Episode 15: Million Dollar Vote.

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Well, this series has been one hell of a ride. Before we get into this, I would like to thank you all for reading and supporting this series. It has been a blast to do and it sucks that it has to end like this. I can only promise that this Season will end better than it started. Anyways, last time we left off, James won the immunity challenge, guaranteeing himself a spot at the final 3 while Neleh and Willow are about to face off in a fire making challenge to determine who joins James and Maddie and who will be out of the game after 37 days.

Find out right now, on the Season Finale of Survivor Panama: Exile Island!







Jeff: 37 Days ago, 16 Americans set foot on a small remote island off the coast of Panama.

Jeff: Welcome to Survivor!

Jeff: In a new social experiment that was split into 4 tribes. The younger men, the younger women, the older men and the older women. And in a new twist, this isolated island became a looming force in the strategy of the game.

Jeff: This is Exile Island. Throughout this game, tribe members will be banished to this island.

Jeff: After the younger men lost the first immunity challenge. Noah tried to make a move on Ryan but James, fearing Daniels threat level, attempted to convince Ryan to vote with him. At tribal council, James's plan worked.

Jeff: 1st person voted out of Survivor Exile Island.

Jeff: And Daniel was the first person to leave the game.

Jeff: The tribe has spoken.

Jeff: The next day, a schoolyard pick took place and the 4 tribes became 2. La Mina and Casaya.

Jeff: Both tribes were even in terms of challenge status.

Jeff: La Mina wins reward!

Jeff: Casaya wins immunity!

Jeff: Before tribal council, it was clear that Chloe and Neleh were doomed.

Sabrina: What do you want me to say?

Chloe: I don't want you to say anything because quite frankly, i'm tired of listening to your voice.

Jeff: Chloe went first.

Jeff: Chloe, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: And Neleh's situation seemed hopeless until she banded together with outsiders James and Willow.

Neleh: Hopefully the 3 of us can stick together and take the others out.

Jeff: After La Mina won immunity, Monica got taken out by a plan put together by Maddie and Rita.

Maddie: I'm causing a domino effect right now.

Ryan: I can't believe Monica would do something so stupid.

Noah: Let's vote her off now.

Jeff: Monica, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: It seems like Casaya striving.

Ryan: We all get along in some way or another and it really helps us get through the tough times.

Jeff: However on Day 12, a huge upset occurred where Herbie had to be medically evacuated from the game.

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