||REQUESTED|| Swindle x Moon Rover! Gender-neutral! Reader Part 2

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Requested by: rextherabbit111

A/N: Here ye, here ye, I've decided to try to write more oneshots. And here be the Oneshot which thou has requested. Littlexheatwave, I will soon finish writing your request.

"GET AWAY FROM THEM!" Swindle snarled, powering up his guns.

"No way are we letting the sparkling of a Decepticon live!" the Autobot sneered, pointing their blaster at the mechling/femmeling moon rover and gripping their arm tighter.

"S-Sire, I'm s-scared..." you sniffled.

"It's going to be alright, Y/n."

"I'm going to count to three! Say goodbye, Decepticon!"

"S-Sire?" you whimpered.

"It's going to be fine," he comforted.


"We're going home...You'll be safe..."


"We'll travel the universe, just like I promised.."

"I'll see Cybertron?" your optics widened.

"Yes... I promise..."




"Y/N, NO!" Swindle cried, jolting up in recharge.

"SIWE! FATHER!" you worried, shaking him."DAD, I HWEARD YOU SCWEAMING!"

He let out a startled noise and looked at you in an instant, optics wide in horror. Seeing it was only you, he put a servo over his spark chamber and gave a breath of relief.

"Oh, it's just you. What are you doing here, Y/n?"

"I hweard you scweaming-" you paused, seeing the coolant leaking from his optics. "Wait, dad, are you cwying?"

He wiped the coolant from his optics and gave a half-hearted smile.

"No, I'm fine."

"Weww..." you climbed up his chassis and wiped some more tears away. "I tink you're lying. I thoughted you twold me tat lying is bad?"

"Fine, I lied," he sighed in defeat, knowing well and truely that he had no energy to make up an excuse left, and you would win the argument anyways.

"WEWW!" you announced loudly, sitting yourself atop his chassis before laying down and snuggling into it. "I'm going do sleep hwere till you fel betterer!"

He smiled and laid on his backstruts, draping a servo protectively over your much smaller self. You were still so young and vulnerable. He would protect you and make sure that nothing would ever happen to you.

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