Art and Muse-ic

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Warning: This chapter contains disturbing themes. Viewer Discretion Is Advised

"She locked us in Claire's," I said.

"I gotta admit," Johnny, "I wouldn't be able to handle her if she was my lady".

"I know right?" Kimberly said.

"We gotta find a way to get outta here," I said.

"Relax," Kimberly said, "There's some fun stuff you can do in Claire's"

"Find one," Johnny said.

Kimberly grabbed a bunch of gems, stuffed them in her mouth, and spit them rapid fire at Johnny.

"Ah, what the hell?!" Johnny exclaimed, "I don't like that!"

The unknown man with us said, "Ay man, tell that girl to do somethin'".

"How about you shut the hell up?" Johnny said.

"I ain't mean no trouble," the man said, "but tell that chick to get naked or somethin".

Johnny punched him in the nose, causing him to fall back on a bunch of braids. His nose began to bleed. The man got up and socked Johnny, making him fall and knock down the bracelet display. Johnny got up, picked up the cash register, and whacked the man in the back of the head while he wasn't looking.

"Aaaaaaah!" He yelled. He rubbed his head before falling on the floor.

"Let's find a way to get out before he gets back up," Johnny said. As Johnny and I looked around for possible escape routes, Kimberly stole as many clothes as she possibly could.

Johnny pulled down a vent and said, "Let's go!"

Johnny, Kimberly, and I climbed through the vent. Kimberly kept dropping clothes.

"Why'd you bring so many clothes?" I asked her.

"Cause I like em'" she said.

We continued our crawl through the vent.

"You know where this leads?" I asked.

"I don't even know," Johnny said. At the end of the vent, he looked down.

"It looks like some house or somethin'," Johnny said.

"Let me see," I said. I looked down and saw a room with a. brown tile floor, a white table with two unattended cups of coffee, and a long L-shaped black couch. A box-shaped TV played an educational business program

"Let's dive," I commanded.

We swooped in the room and an old man in a black suit walked in the door.

"Hello there," he said, "Welcome to Brynard's Talent Agency. I'm involved with the nice individuals that help young folks have a productive career in acting and music and plays, even rap!"

"Whoa dude!" Johnny said, "For real?"

"Yes, and you two look like you could possibly star in one of our next movies," he said.

"What's it gonna be about?" Kimberly asked.

"The concept I have in mind is that two teenagers are regular students by day, but by night they are laboratory expert scientists. They invent the cure for the common cold, but they have to work hard to keep it out the wrong hands," he explained.

"Sounds nice," Kimberly said.

"Well, If you guys want the part, We can hold auditions".

"We want it!" Johnny and Kimberly said together.

Revenge Cookies Part IX (2015)Where stories live. Discover now