Crazy Nights With A Friend

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As we came up to our house, I spotted yellow tape, police cars, and Health Department Agents surrounded outside. I pulled to the side of the road and walked around as agents and policemen moved in and out the house.

"What's going on here", I asked.

"Sir, This house has been deemed poisonous and fatal. It's best if you avoid it at all costs", the cop said.

"This is my house!", I yelled.

"Um, there's poisonous materials inside this house and we're trying to clean it for you ungrateful children", the cop responded. "It'd be best for you to find a hotel until we clear the premises of all harmful materials". the cop explained.

I got back in the car with an angry expression and sped off.

"The pigs at our house said we need to find a hotel", I grumbled to everyone in the car

"No Problem", Emmani said. "I got a friend at the Residence Inn! She's nice, but kinda weird"

"We're all weird", I said while taking a sip of Arizona Tea.

We then sped along Highway 27, listening to the hip-hop/R&B station. After 30 minutes, we hooked a right turn on Gaines street, when we got stuck in a traffic jam. The sound of traffic honking overpowered the smooth rap tune on the radio.

"Oh come on! Move it, people! We got places to go!", I yelled

"Piyah, you should just park on the side of the road", Mariah said. "We're close enough to walk there".

"Wow, I did not think about that", I replied. We parked on the side of the road and got out the car. All of us walked slowly on the sidewalk. Then I heard a nearby bush rattling, and I immediately drew my gun.

"I think a threat's coming. Be ready everybody", I said. While everybody got their guns and fists ready, the thief jumped out the bushes and yelled


A woman came out her car and said "Don't shoot him! He's my son". She started crying a little nearing the end of her statement.

"It's okay ma'am", I said. I opened the passenger door for the the thief to get in, then I closed the door on his neck. Then I slammed the door on his neck again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

"He's definitely had enough", Mariah said

Azyrea responded, "Naw, he needs more".

The mother cried and said "You killed my son!". Traffic started moving and while the car was moving the thief's head flew from the passenger door and whacked me in the head.

"Let's keep the head", Emmani said. "We need somethin to play with'"

I replied, "Alright, but you keeping the head".

As we walked along, Mariah asked, "Wait, we're going to the hotel, but we don't got any money".

"No worries", Emmani said. "My friend brought me an extra key".

We crossed Railroad Ave and entered through the pool deck. We headed to the elevator and went to Level 3, and when he headed off our destination was Room 363, where our friend was. Emmani put in the key and opened the door.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe it, you guys are back! OMG!", her friend said, singing at the last word.

"That's Monica Dee Dee, the singing chick", I commented.

Monica said, "I miss you guys! I haven't seen you in so long". Starting with Emmani, she hugged us and kissed us on the cheek.

"So, what's been goin' on?", Mariah said.

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