Attack of The Thievez

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Our room in London Boardwalk looked as if a brain-damaged tornado had broken through it. Chicken bones were scattered all over the floor, the floor had wet spots, and our living room television had an entire half cut off.

"Oh my God," London commented, "What the hell happened?"

Mariah hurriedly rushed through the refrigerator and swung open the door. She frantically scanned it up and down, left and right.

"Them fools ate my cheesecake!" she yelled, "Somebody bout to get killed".

Monica and Thomas looked at the TV, which as broken in half, as Marriam and I walked into the bedroom to investigate. A melted chocolate bar laid on the bed.

"Absolutely disgusting," Marriam said. I looked in the closet, and the spot where my Jordans stood was completely bare! They left my Lebrons, however.

"Yeah, somebody's gonna die," I said. I looked over at Marriam's section, and most of her clothes were intact.

"They stole one of my bras," Marriam said, "Probably some dudes who never touched in woman in their life".

We walked back into the living room, where Monica and Thomas stood, still investigating the TV.

"They got chocolate inside the TV, damn," Thomas commented.

"That's a damn shame," Monica commented, "And I know exactly who would pull somethin' stupid like this".

"Who?" Thomas asked.

"Them Young Thieves fools," Monica said.

"This does seem like something they would do," London said, "But once we get our stuff back, we'll have em' begging for mercy".

"Exactly," Marriam said, "Let's go to their crib, they probably got our stuff there".

Thomas then started sniffing himself.

"Can we take showers first?" Thomas said, "I smell worse than a skunk".

"Ain't that the truth?" Monica teased.

"Sure," London said, "But to speed it up, let's take it in groups!"

"Awesome," Thomas said, "I'm know who I'm going with..." and he peeked in Monica's direction.

"I call first," Marriam said. She grabbed on my clothes and said, "Come on Joshie," while tugging at my arm.

"Okay, okay," I said, "But who's gonna be our partners?"

"Pick me," Johnny said, "Pretty please?".

"Hmm," Marriam said while rubbing her chin, "I guess I can trust you. Bring Kimberly along and we can have a shower party!".

"Yaaaay!" Kimberly cheered.

As we began walking towards the bathroom, Shanequia commented, "Y'all better hurry up, other folks gotta get fresh too".

Meanwhile, on the dimly lit streets of Cookie Ranch, a busted-up convertible zoomed down the road. It contained Riley and Darren it the front seats, blaring trap music, and Marina, who was nervously squirming around her seat, in the back with the second half of the television set.

"Can you turn your music down?" Marina asked, "I don't wanna disturb all the townspeople".

"The townspeople deserve to be disturbed," Riley said, "Matter of fact, let's pipe it up!"

"Piping up the music!" Darren said while turning up the volume of the song.

An elderly man stepped outside of his home and yelled, "Hey you dumb youngsters! Turn that crappy music down!"

Revenge Cookies Part IX (2015)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant