Big Lawsuit In Cookie Ranch

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March 12, 2017, 8:36 A.M

The morning sun beamed through our bedroom window, casting a light on the backs of Marriam and I. However, the light was obscured by a dark shadow, and a loud whirl. The shadow grew bigger until it consumed the light completely as the whirling grew louder. In an instant, our window shattered into a hundred pieces and our bed tumbled over, taking us with the fall. Our eyes popped open.

"What the heck was that?" I asked.

"Bet you didn't think I'd find you," a familiar female voice said. Marriam took a glance at her.

"You're the chick from Orlando, aren't you?'" Marriam said, "We killed your damn husband, that junk was funny".

"No it isn't!" the woman yelled, "And today, I'm suing both of you for that. Already worked it out with the court".

"Well," Marriam said, "If your husband didn't attack my friends, we wouldn't have to kill him".

"Don't slander his name!" the woman said, "He would never do anything like that".

"He did," I said, "We got it on tape, too".

"Lies!" the woman yelled, "I, Wilona Ann Jones, will not let you pricks get away this?"

"You want another lawsuit for messing up our bedroom?' Marriam said.

"Shut up!" Wilona yelled while getting back into the helicopter. She flew it outside the humongous hole that used to be a window.

"Talk about a rude awakening." I said, "But how we gonna get that fixed?"

"I got an idea," said Marriam. She went to the closet, and grabbed one of the spare white bed sheets, along with some thumb-tacks. Once she got to the gap, she spread the sheets and put thumb-tacks in the corners.

"There," she said, rubbing her hands, "That should cover us until we get a professional".

"Okay," I said, "I'mma try to get this bed back up".

That's when Mariah and Monica walked in. I immediately covered myself

"We heard some loud shit  in your room this morning," Mariah said, "Y'all alright?"

"Yeah," I said, "We're fine"

"So," Monica asked, "What the hell was that?"

"It was nothing," Marriam said, "Just a chick flying in with a helicopter and suing us for killing her man back in Orlando when her man was actually a huge damn monster".

"Wow," Mariah said, "That's crazy. If y'all need a lawyer, get me, I know what I'm talkin' about".

"Alright," Marriam said, "We'll get you, bae".

"Good," Mariah said, "See ya later, bae". She blew a kiss at Marriam before her and Monica left the room.

Elsewhere, In the woods behind the burned-down apartments, Marina and Bell slept side by side to each other. Marina was the first to rise up. She looked at the sky, and then the rubble from the apartments.

"The sky looks nice today," Marina said, "Those apartments, not so much".

Bell then sat up, yawned, and scratched his back.

"Good morning, Bell," Marina said with a smile.

"I'm hungry, dude," he said in a raspier voice than usual.

"Let's get something to eat then," Marina said, "What do you feel like?"

He stood straight up and said, "Let's get some donuts!"

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