How a Plate of Cookies Changed Our Lives

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March 6, 2017 5:30 A.M

"Wake up, Josiah, wake up". I opened my eyes and was in an animated room

"Breakfast is on the table, you better get it before Peter gets it, he's super hungry cause the McDaniels' down the street ran out of hungry", Lois said.

I studied my surroundings and it was all cartoony. I was in an empty room with a green bed. I stepped in the hallway and said:

"Am I in Family Guy, how?", as I continued to look around. I went down the stairs to consume the breakfast, which was the usual eggs, bacon and orange juice. I sat between Chris and Brian.

"Welcome new brother! I'm gonna teach you so much stuff, like how to catch butterflies with your nose!", Chris exclaimed.

"Hi new brother", Meg said and waved at me

"Hello Meg", I replied.

"Be careful, if you invade it's territory, it bites", Peter said.

"Ah, yes. A new brother. The Mexican down the street just fixed my multiverse remote, so how about we go exploring. They've got a land, nothing but pigs and lemonade. Ah, It's so amazing", Stewie said to me.

Peter got done with his breakfast and said, "Man, I'm more hungry than a girl on a diet watching the Super Bowl commercials". Everything just went still and silent for 30 seconds as I said "Ummmm, okay". Once that was done, Peter stretched himself across the table and swallowed my whole breakfast, plate included. He pulled Mr. Fantastic from his mouth and said "Thank you Mr. Fantastic for the stretching power"

"No Problem, Peter", he said as he stretched himself out the door.

My face turned red and I pulled a gun out.

"Cartoons are awesome, I got this gun from nowhere", I commented. "Wonder if I could get a million dollars from nowhere?".

"Josiah, put the gun down", Lois said.

"Peter Griffin, consider yourself Pizza The Hutt cause you just ate your way to death", I said as I pulled the trigger....

6:00 A.M

I woke and said "Dang, why do I always dream about TV shows? Anyways, um the agenda". I looked at my to-do list which included the plan. I looked over it and yelled

"Flaw in the Plan! Flaw in the Plan!"

I thought it was time for an emergency breakfast meeting. I stole one of Kenyelle's lighters, held it close to the smoke alarm, and lit it. BEEEEEEEEEEP! BEEEEEEEP! The alarm was very loud and woke up everybody immediately.


I headed to the kitchen and the others soon followed after.

"There's no breakfast in here", Mariah said.

I said , "That's where you come in. You know you make the best eggs lil sis".

"You better be lucky my eggs taste better than yours or else you would be cookin'", she replied.

"Um...Anyways, The plan we conducted has a very obvious flaw", I said. "If we provide the cookies and people watch the cookie eating competition and Ms. Farlaneheight dies, they'll be able to link it back to us".

"Yeah, They will", Mariah said." But remember those five teens we met on the way D.C? The leader Mike admitted he had a crush on me, and all I gotta do is call him and his crew, they'll do anything for a buck, especially that Lequeesha chick".

"Call them, then", I said

"They got kik", Mariah remarked as she stirred the eggs. She poured soy milk in the eggs to make them fluffier, and poured some Slap Yo Mama seasoning in them. She then spread them across every plate and we all thanked her for the breakfast. Then the five teens, Mike, Cooper, Brenda, David, and Macy came through the door and walked in the kitchen

"Ooh, You cooked me some eggs, baby?", Mike said .

"These ain't for you, okay", Mariah said. "And I ain't your baby either".

Mike leaned in and said, "I love when you play like that. Gimme a kiss".

I said, "Alright, stop flirting with my sister and do what I ordered you guys to do". I led them to the counter full of 10 cookie bags and said "See these bags? The last one has dog poison. Give that to Ms. Farlaneheight's plate at the cookie competition at Shell Academy. I will be watching".

10:00 A.M

The cookie eating competition was about to start and while the kids and teenagers in the crowd were talking and kissing, The Five Teens were on the stage placing cookies on the plates. They placed the dog poison cookies on Ms. Farlaneheight's plate and scrammed to a room backstage, where the event was being telecast. Ms. Farlaneheight came and saw her plate next to Ms. Wavey, our science teacher.

"Ooh, her cookies look so much more delicious than mine", she said to herself. "Nobody would notice if I just switched the plate". She then slowly switched the plates around and sat down at her station.

We were in the back, and due to all the heads in the way, we could barely see the competition.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, today is our teacher cookie eating competition. Watch as your favorite, worst, or just average teachers attempt to gobble down all this chocolate goodness!", the announcer yelled through his megaphone. "ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?!!!!!"

The audience cheered wildly and started throwing their hats in the air like it was a graduation.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!", the announcer yelled. The teachers started gobbling down the cookies like a Thanksgiving dinner. After about two minutes of munching, Ms. Wavey passed out swift and her head banged into the plate. The front rows were panicking, running, screaming, and jumping everywhere, scattering around like ants after their homes are stepped on. Ms. Farlaneheight was still there and finished eating before anyone.

"We have a winner! Ladies and Gentleman, Ms. Farlaneheight!", the announcer cheered through the microphone. As she was standing there, grinning with her hands in the air, I realized that the dog poison cookies were given to the wrong teacher! I picked up my phone and called Mike. The following is a transcript of the conversation:

Me: Hello

Mike: I saw it! We gave the cookies to the wrong teacher! Or she might've switched them! Either way, we failed

Me: You didn't fail just yet. You guys always got weapons

Mike: Believe it!

Me: Just like, hide behind a bush and fire at her

Mike: Alright, then!

He hung up and said to his crew, "Let's move". The Five Teens crept out with assault rifles while Ms. Farlaneheight dived in the crowd and went crowd surfing. She was in the air being flew from hand to hand, being passed like a church collection plate. The Five Teens hid behind a cramped bush and started loading the rifles. Ms. Farlaneheight was still in the air relishing and surfing in the hands of the crowd. The Five Teens aimed at her and


Ms. Farlaneheight fell in the crowd and everyone started jumping and yellin and falling all over each other. The Five Teens Fled the scene and we walked back to our car. There was an absolute riot back at the cookie eating competition, and the speakers caught fire and fell into the crowd. We saw the chaos and destruction as we drove back home from the scene, leaving it all behind us.

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