Battle Of The Sexists

18 6 0

March 7, 2017 9:01 A.M

I woke up along with Marriam and we walked into the kitchen, where everyone was gathered on the couch staring at the television.

"Why's everyone looking at the TV like that?" I asked

"LBS news is getting ready to start," London said.

Marriam said, "Ooh, I wanna watch"

On the TV, a blue sky appeared and a CGI image of the earth started spinning in the center. A man in a business suit appeared sitting at a desk with a moving picture of daytime New York in the background

"Good morning everybody, and welcome to the London Boarding School news. Police on the lookout for Grady, a 13-year-old kid, who conducted a cannibal attack that injured nine and killed twenty one people. Also, the buffet is now regular food again, hopefully, and we're still clearing the severed body parts for lunch and dinner. Judy Sharparrow is offering five hundred dollars to anyone who finds her golden condoms, which wasn't the only thing she lost in the pool. She claims that the man she lost her innocence to, quote, is an "ain't shit nigga'. Now we will have Marina with the weather"

The camera panned to Marina, who was wearing a white dress with yellow flowers on it. She stood in an excited pose with a huge smile on her face. In the background was a moving map of the ghost town with yellow spots moving around it.

"Good Morning LBS! Winter is leaving and spring is coming! The high for today will be seventy and the low will be just sixty. Pretty good day to go to the park or just chill in the pool, but due to health concerns, the park would probably be the better choice. Back to you, Frank". Just then, the weather screen fell on her and she screamed, "Aah!"

The camera panned back to Frank and he said, "Thank you, Marina. Now we will have Andrew for today's joke". Marina said from the off, "I'm okay"

The camera panned to Andrew who was wearing a red shirt.

"Good morning everyone. Laughter is a great way to overcome a bad day and lift our spirits. And with that, I hope this joke brightens your day. What do basketballs and women have in common? The answer will be revealed after the sports"

The camera panned to an energetic young man in a shirt that had the left side as a football jersey and the left as a basketball jersey with the numbers 1988.


The camera went back to Andrew and he said, "Do you have a clue? Well here it goes! After you shoot in the basket, you pass it to your teammate! Well, there you have it."

Mariah immediately shut off the TV and said, "That nigga ain't funny".

Azyrea added, "I wanna cut his balls off". Around the room, all the ladies were shocked while Kenyelle was completely unaffected and Thomas and Johnny giggled a little bit. Outside, we heard riots of women protesting loudly. I went to the patio and already hundred of women were running around with torches. Marriam came from behind me and said, "Andrew really started something this time". Johnny came from behind us and said, "Well, can't bang hoes today"

The women continued rioting outside and some caught on fire.

"The joke was just made and already people dying. Wow," I remarked.

"I heard the breakfast buffet is good again," Marriam said, "Let's go eat and forget about this bullshit".

As we were walking to the door, Kimberly tagged along with us. Marriam looked at Mariah and said, "Mariah, you wanna come with us to breakfast?"

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