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We went back to our room in London Boardwalk, where Kenyelle was kissing Deasia on the countertop while by the couch everyone were swinging their arms all over the place, jumping from couch to couch.

Marriam pulled out her phone and said, "Awww, you guys look so adorable," and snapped a picture.

"Yep, definitely going on Instagram," Marriam said while viewing the picture. She yelled, "See ya, bitches!" and dashed down the hall

"You can't post me on Instagram!" Thomas yelled. Everyone except Kenyelle and Deasia rose up and chased after Marriam. Mariah, Azyrea, Sonya, Johnny, Kimberly and I started chasing after her too. She zoomed down the flight of stairs and into the lobby, where we all zoomed after her. Outside the lobby, a group of policeman grabbed Thomas.

"Freeze! You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say will be held against you in a court of law!"

"What the hell did I do?" Thomas asked.

"Your fly is down, that's indecent exposure!"

"Your wife like it though," Thomas said, however, while saying this, he accidentally hit the officers' uniform.

"You are under arrest for indecent exposure and assault on an officer! Come with us, juvenile delinquent!"

As Thomas was dragged on he yelled, "While I'm gone, the person in charge of Thomas Blog is..." the cops covered his mouth and his words became muffled. He was then carried to a cop car and thrown in

"Who did he say was in charge?" London asked

"I don't know, but I hope it was me," Monica said, "I could bring back my live singing seminars"

"I doubt you'd wanna try that again," Marriam said, "Remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah...I'd better not do that again," Monica said.

London said, "Let me be in charge!"

Marriam said, "Hahahaha, bitch no. Your fingers slip way too damn much on the camera"

"Damn, fuck you Mary," London said, "I just remember spring break 2011, I tried to film the party, but the damn camera got stuck in the motherfuckin sand"

"Lol," Marriam said, "But trust me, I know ThomasBlog, and I'm the right person for it"

"She's right," I said, "She's funny, smart, sexy, and can cater to the target demographic for ThomasBlog viewers"

"Awww," Marriam said, "I like catering to your 'demographic' too, sugar honey nigger boy"

"Don't call me that!" I yelled playfully. We all then headed up to the room.

Outside, Andrew kept sprinting across the city sidewalks with Mary Jane in his arms.

"We gotta get this steak sauce off of you," Andrew said, "That means we gotta go to the public shower"

Mary Jane yelled, "You're out of your damn mind! I'm not gonna shame myself by bathing naked in public!"

"If you really gave a damn about your life, you would," Andrew said, "I don't know about you, but I'd rather be buttnaked in public than be devoured by a whole bunch of lions!"

"You do make a great point, young Andrew," she said.

They started running toward the public shower and broke through the door. There was a plank of wood by it, so Andrew put it over the door to further barricade the lions.

"Alright, now you gotta take off your clothes and bathe all that steak sauce off," Andrew said, "There's some on me too, so I'll bathe with you"

"I guess," Mary Jane said, "But don't look at me all perverse". Andrew turned around so he wasn't facing her and they began to simultaneously take off their clothes. After undressing, Mary Jane when to the shower, turned the water on, and just stood under the running water with her hands covering her private parts.

Revenge Cookies Part IX (2015)Where stories live. Discover now