Can't Get Arrested

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Peaches ran up to the announcer and grabbed the prize, which was a check for $10,000 and 2 cans of baby food.

"OMG, thank you guys," Peaches said, "Now I can feed my baby!".

"The prize wasn't meant for you, but okay!" The announcer said and gave her the prize. After that, we started down the street with tents all on the sides to London Boardwalk . On the way, we saw Marina in a red tent selling nachos, hot dogs, hamburgers, and Gatorade.

"Oh my gosh! It's nice seeing you guys again," Marina said, "Would you guys like to buy some nachos and Gatorade? All the money goes to charity!!!"

We looked at the price sheet, which read:

Nachos - $2.00

Hot Dogs - $1.50

Hamburger - $1.50

Gatorade -$0.75

I pulled out a five dollar bill and said, "Yes, I would like some nachos and Gatorade, please". Everybody else made the same offer.

Marina gasped and said, "Thank you guys. This is the biggest purchase ever. You guys want some free skittles?"

We all looked at each other and said in perfect harmony, "Sure!". We gave her our money and she swiftly gave us nachos with hot cheese and a large-sized bottle of Gatorade. We continued walking down the street, however, at Marina's stand, her hot dogs fell off the grill. As she went to pick them back up, the Young Thieves started stealing from her cash register.

We walked all the way back to London Boardwalk and went back into our rooms. Thomas poured a cup of water and went to get some ice, but there was none.

"There's no ice!" Thomas yelled, "I need some damn ice".

"I love getting ice," Marriam said, "Come on Joshie".

Marriam and I walked down the hall to get some ice. We heard a noise from afar saying, "Thank you for rewarding me daddy!".

We went to the ice machine and saw Johnny with his tongue lodged deep in Kimberly mouth while Delma was behind him, just spanking him like a bad child

"How do I put this?" Marriam said, "What in the damn son of a hell is going on?!"

"Daddy's rewarding me for being such a good girlfriend," Kimberly moaned

"This white guy got some good booty and I just wanted to hit it," Delma said.

"I just wanna know how in the hell did Johnny and Kimberly get together. I mean, Kimberly, you used to find that dude creepy as hell"

October 31, 2014 10:00 P.M

Johnny, dressed as a werewolf with red Air Force Jordan 1's, Marriam, dressed as a vampire, and me, dressed as a creepy surgeon with blood all on my clothes, walked down the street with a garbage bag for candy.

"Didn't you say you were going as a dead celebrity?" Marriam asked Johnny.

"I decided to go werewolf instead," Johnny said, "Werewolves get hella girls, especially hot vampire chicks"

"Like me?" Marriam said

"Pretty much," Johnny said.

We then approached the first house, knocked on the door, and Johnny and Marriam both said, "Trick or Treat!"

Kimberly answered, then she saw Johnny and said, "If you guys don't get that creepy-behind werewolf moron the hell out of my damn face I will grab the sharpest knife I got and cut you fools and fry you and feed you to my cats and dogs, AAAAAAH! GET AWAY!"

Revenge Cookies Part IX (2015)Where stories live. Discover now