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Allen didn't particularly like getting into a car with an unknown and potentially traitorous program. But their options were limited and Lora had been muttering in his ear about how she seemed like a nice girl and she had helped Jet when she didn't even know who he was so didn't that say something?

What's more Gem was an excellent chauffeur. She navigated expertly between the cars on the highway, taking the shortest route on the road towards Gallium.

"That's the route I would have told you to take" Lora said quietly for only her husband to hear. He chuckled softly. She had a tendency to be a back seat driver and this situation was no different. Alan put his hand over his mouth like he was deep in thought and murmured softly.

"Do we have any intel on this program? Has Roy found anything? And how were they able to track us through the wireless? Do we need to cut off communication?"

"We'll that's why I'm only talking to you dear and I'll keep it short. I think they're able to track the signal itself but they can't read what information we're passing over the link. I don't have anything on this Gem girl but Roy is still digging into Flynn's old files. If we find anything striking I'll let you know. Let's go radio silent for a bit. At least until you get out of the city"

"Very well" Allen whispered.

"Take care dear. If you need my help just shout"

An odd buzzing grated against Allen's jaw when the line went dead. It made his teeth kind of itch. He swallowed a few times to get rid of the feeling and focused his attention back on the occupants of the roadster.

"Lora is shutting down the wireless until we know how they managed to track it" he said simply.

Sam looked suspiciously at the back of Gem's head but grunted assent.

"That's a good call. It sounded like Pavel was tracking us all the way across the city"

Gem spoke up in an I inflection-less voice "CLU outlawed all wireless communication within his occupied cities many cycles ago. He reserved those frequencies only for administrators. If you were using a wireless then the black guard will be able to detect the chatter and follow to point of origin within minutes"

"Flynn and I were able to use wireless when we were in the wild regions. No one ever found us" Quorra said a bit defensively. It had been her idea to keep in contact with the outside world through a direct link.

"It is not possible for the administrators to monitor all frequencies outside the cities. It is much easier to get away with data transfer out there" Gem conceded.

Silence reigned in the roadster for a few long minutes. They approached a traffic jam that lead up to a large archway.

The checkpoint.

"I have exit codes to leave the city. I will distract the guards as much as I can but you will need to avoid them seeing your faces. You two especially" she made eye contact with Sam and Allen through the rear view.

Jet looked into the back seat.

"What did Sam become famous in the six hours he was here last time?" Jet asked with a bit of forced levity.

"Samflynn made quite an impression when he entered the grid. And of course, everyone knows what Tron looks like" Gem said dismissively as she eased the roadster up to the checkpoint.

"Tron?" Jet asked in confusion. But Gem just shushed him.

There were only two black guards on duty. One moved up to the drivers side to greet Gem. The other circled the roadster, seemingly more interested in the high end vehicle than it's occupants.

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now