Chapter 9

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Y/ns pov

I changed from my lacrosse jersey to my clothes and waited for everyone to depart. I wanted to sob out of pain and loss but ever bone in my body told me not to.

I looked around and there was my mother Talia again, standing by the agape. "Leave me alone,your dead" I yelled as I went up to her and threw a punch to her face. It was caught and there I saw Derek, Stiles and Scott at his sides. "You'll live the wolfsbane is wearing off" he said and he pointed to my wound that was starting to heal. "Well goodnight then" I replied at I closed the door. He reopened it. "Aren't you gonna come with us?" Scott asked. "I will, if Derek tells the truth" I said.

"What truth?" Stiles asked impatiently. "About my eyes" I replied. "I'll tell you, but not here, you don't need them knowing" he said. "I don't care tell me" I said. "It's a family matter" he said. "Fine Scott's now our adopted brother and Stiles is a happy dog what is it" I asked adding a little 'hmm' at the end . He was so frustrated that he just yelled out "Were not siblings". I froze. He seemed to control himself before saying "Half siblings, same mother, different father" he said. "And your father was..." the words hit me like a bullet.

"I'm half Kanima" I repeated. "Ok" I said and walked past him. Fun fact about me, I liked to bottle things up, but sometimes I just finally overspill and let it all out. I walked through the school and I could feel them behind me. "Where are you going?" Scott yelled after me. "I'm finding somewhere to stay" I told him. "Y/n just come home" Derek said. "No" I told him. I saw a bus ahead and I slid onto the doors just before they closed leaving the others.

I got of at the stop by beacon hills hospital and just sat outside. I stared at the ground until someone came up to me. "Hey you ok?" A lady asked and I looked up. "I'm fine, really" I told her. "You got a place to stay" she asked. "I'll find one in a bit" I told her. "Your Y/n right?" She asked. "Yes" I replied. "You go to school with my son that's why I know" she told me. "What a coincidence, I better be off" I told her sliding away from this cheery conversation.

I didn't want to barge into Stiles' the previous night was just a last cause. But I was sort of out of places to stay. So I just went back to the school. I found my English classroom where I would have my first lesson tomorrow sat on my chair and leant my head on my desk. And soon I fell asleep.

"Hey,Wake up" I heard someone say and my head shot up. "Schools cancelled today because of yesterday's events,go home" a janitor said to me and I nodded sliding off my chair and leaving.

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