Chapter 17

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Y/ns pov

I woke up and found yet again Stiles had his arm around me. "Stiles" I said softly. "Hmm" he replied. "I'll be your friend if you get your arm off me" I chuckled. "Ah sorry" he said pulling his arm off me and sighing.  "Hey it's Friday, just need to get through today" I told him. He grabbed his phone from his drawer and turned it on. "Scott wants to meet at Derek's after school today" he said reading a message. "Doesn't he realised it's a full moon" I said and Stiles shrugged his shoulders.

I got up and walked to his draws, I searched through them until I found a shirt that had a random target with a arrow on it. "Hey maybe I shouldn't wear this Allison may think I'm a target again" I joked. I pulled his jersey off and put on the shirt. I threw it to him and he grabbed it getting out of bed.

I walked to his bathroom finding a comb and brushing my hair. "We have a lacrosse trip in a week don't we" I asked him. "Yeah, also coach said something on the lines of the trip is long so we will be stopping at a motel it may be falling apart but so is my bank account already so your going to deal with it" he said mimicking coach. I laughed and began plating my hair into a fishtail.

"I guess the Scott thing will be about the new alpha pack" Stiles said as he began to change. "New Alpha pack" I said turning. "Ah changing" he said putting a hand up. "Ah not caring" I said tying my hair up as I finished. "Didn't Isaac tell you he and Scott fought them the other night, it's a whole pack of Alphas" he said.

"Are they strong, and where are there packs if there alphas" I asked. "There strong that's because they kill there whole pack killing your pack member makes you stronger if your the alpha" he told me. "Why are they here?" I asked as Stiles finally finished changing. "Scott wrote in his message that he'll tell us then" he replied.

Stiles gave me a lift to school and there I met up with Issac he gave me the keys to my car and we walked to class together. He looked at my shirt "Isn't that Stiles'?" He asked and I explained to him about yesterday and he asked if I wanted him to go deal with them which I only laughed at.

The day dragged on and finally ended. I drove me and Issac to Derek's and there we met the others. "We found out that the Alphas have Erica and Byod" Scott said. "Where?" I asked. "Abandoned bank, were going to get them out tonight" Derek said. "What's there motive,you know why are they here?" Stiles asked. "There looking for the true Alpha and they think its me" Scott announced. "Why you?" Stiles asked interested of the answer. "The true Alpha is said to be a omega who does not kill to get there powers but grows stronger anyway" Issac said. "Plus there meant to be around beacon hills" Derek added. "But that also sounds like..." Stiles began raising a finger to point at me, I stomped on his foot to stop him.

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