Chapter 27

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Y/ns pov

"Y/n can we please just talk" Isacc asked. "Piss off" Stiles and me cried in unison. "Stiles, this isn't about you, Y/n please just let me talk" Isacc pleaded. I curled more into my cocoon like position hiding my face even more under my coat. "There's times you gotta learn to leave this is one of them" Stiles said but still I heard no movement so I stood up coat in arm and threw myself into the seat next to Scott covering myself with my coat again. Then I looked and saw Scott had bearly taken a notice to my presence, he looked sick, really sick. I knew that I was feeling crap myself but I guess that was because of all of this.

Stiles' pov

"Why did you do it..hmm... Why'd you kiss her" I asked him. "Heat of the moment, she's not exactly ugly" Isaac replied. I wanted to punch him there and then. I baciacly yanked him over the seats to be beside me my grip on his shirt not leaving, "That's no excuse, you kissed another girl infront of her, how sick in the head are you, why the hell would you do that to her" I almost growled. Isaac had no response he just shoved me a bit making me release the grip on him I had and returned to his seat. I watched as the twins turned round and smirked at one another and then looked from me to Y/n at the back.

I looked at her and then Scott, he was not looking better. Infront of me I then saw Jared and I remember coach yelling at him not to be sick. I slid into the seat next to him and grinned "Hey Jared".

We were out the bus by the nearest gas station, Scott went out and was brought to the bathroom by Allison who had been trailing us in the car behind with Lydia. I saw that Y/n had sat herself by a nearby tree resting against it. When I looked at her I realised that she wasn't doing that good either, she had paled and she had her eyes closed. I came over and sat opposite her. "Y/n, you ok?" I asked and with that she broke down. "I screwed up Stiles, I killed him my brother is dead and so is Ennis because of me, and Isaac's cheated, Peter's betrayed me and you all hate me, I've lost you" she said her head fell down so I couldn't seen her face.

I came closer and tilted her face up with my fingers I gave a little smile and I began to wipe her tears away as I said "You sure as hell haven't loss me and it's not your fault it's Peter's, and Isaac's a dumb guy anyway, you don't need him". She smiled a bit and I pulled her into a hug her head resting on my shoulder. "Screw them all" I told her.

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