Chapter 26

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Y/ns pov

I walked over my three will gone and then out of the corner of my eye I saw the twins take a swing of Allison and Issac grabbed her away and then there faces were closer, then closer then there lips met and I let my eyes wander back infront of me, my claws popped out and when I was centimeters away I pushed my hand hard into Ennis' chest. He grabbed Derek's shirt as he gasped and then I felt my fingers graze his heart and then stab into it, he went limp, he was close to the edge and fell but yet he still clung on to something, Derek's shirt, Derek was thrown with and there they fell and I watched and as the thud echoed filling my ears I broke free.

I gasped covering my mouth with my bloodied hand and falling to my knees. I could see the rest of Deucallions pack retreating with them with him. I had killed someone. No to someone's Ennis and my brother. I could feel all eyes on me and I couldn't move I just stayed there looking at his face. In a matter of seconds my whole world had crumpled Derek was gone, Issac had cheated and Peter had made me kill someone. I had no one and finnaly I felt energised I had to get out of here.

I ran out my eyes bearly open as tears fell down my face. I had nothing, nothing.

Stiles' pov

Scott groaned next to me again and I sighed. "I really dont think it's meant to take this long to heal" I told him. "Its fine, look we've just got to figure stuff out at the moment, like how to figure out how to stop the sacrifices, Deucallion and where Y/n is" he said. "And how were meant to play with the lack of players, look on this school bus because Jackson has gone and Y/n isn't here there's no way we can play" I said. "What do you mean we can't play?" Coach said almost gliding from the front of the bus. "Um well because Y/n and Jackson aren't here we don't have a reserve and that still means we're down a player" I said to him. "Y/n here's, she's hiding I think, but as long as she can play tommorow I don't care" he said.

In seconds I began looking until I found a coat layed in a lump over something. I sat down next to it and pulled in up. "Y/n" I said. "Leave me alone, I'm doing this game and then I'm leaving school, Coach kind of dragged me here found my address" she told me. "That sounds a bit stalkery, you ok?" I asked. "Just don't talk to me" she replied and then someone skidded over sitting in the seat infront of us "Y/n?" Issac said. "He he can't even look at me" Y/n said to me pulling her coat over her head again as she muttered curse words.

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