Chapter 20

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Y/ns pov

"I'll collect my car in a few days so that we don't leave your jeep here" I said as I walked outside towards his jeep. "Where are your keys?" I asked. "My back pocket" he replied grumpily, definetly still annoyed. I put my hand in his back pocket "Now I feel like your just touching my ass" he said. I chuckled and pulled his keys out and I beeped the car button.

I opened the door and put him in the passenger seat and then went to the drivers one. "Your Dad is he home?" I asked. "No he's busy looking at the killings" he sighed. "Killings?" I ask turning the key. "Your really not told a lot, there some sort of ritual killings happening, first it was virgins and now it's doctors, Deaton and me figured that out but we need to find out what the last ones will be" he said to me. I had already began driving and then I became confused "Whose Deaton?" I asked. He then told me he is Scott's boss and he helps them out a lot as he knows alot about the supernatural.

When we arrived at Stiles' he was fully able to move again. His phone rang as we got out the jeep and he answered it on speaker. "We haven't found them yet but Mr Argent is going to help us, are you guys ok?" Scott said. I gave Stiles a menacing look warning him not to mention what had happened "Were good, if we here anything we will let you know" I replied back and then hung up.

"Erica's, dead isn't she?" Stiles then asked. I nodded. "It was his plan, they were gonna tear each other apart" I told him. "And the girl, who is she?" He asked. I sighed "My sister, who I thought was dead" I told him. "Well that was a good family reunion, you know your face hasn't healed completely yet" he told me. "It was a deep cut it'll be fine in half an hour, goodnight Stiles" I said and saluted him away. "You going to help them or walking home?" He asked. "Not sure" I told him and there I walked away.

I walked home, well to Derek's apartment it didn't feel like a home yet. I went to my bathroom and looked to see the cut was healed. I went straight into bed after that tired out.

Sometimes I can't breathe, sometimes I want the world around me to disappear because I hate it. I hate who I am, I don't know who I am. And it scares me. That's why I sometimes wake up scared. I can still remember the first time I was ten and I woke up screaming and Derek ran over he was only nineteen and looking after me, he hushed me and told me it would be ok. It wasn't, and it would be, but it helped.

It happened again.

It was a dream, that I had chosen not to join Deucallion and Scott choose to kill us and I watched as Stiles, Issac, my brother and everyone around was slowly killed by him and Deucallion whisper behind me "You could of stopped this, we would of helped stop this, if you joined us".

I woke up yelling out and threw myself ot of the bed to the corner of my room. Someone bursted through the door running to me. I looked up "T-teach me, help me I have to be able to fight" I yelled out to Peter who was infront of me crouched down checking if I was alright.

"Alright, we start now" he said.

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