Chapter 11

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Y/ns pov

I then noticed Issac on the ground to and put together that he had also been stabbed by Allison. In the matter of seconds I had looked away Jackson had changed howling out a werewolf howl his eyes gleaming blue and his Kanima body disappearing showing his normal yet now naked one. "Hey,I know there's a naked guy right there, but after this we should totally make out" Issac said in a hushed whisper. "You have to ask me on a date first" I replied. "If we live, after school tommorow?" He asked and I nodded.

"Not trying to state the obvious but Gerard's gone" I then said and everyone became aware of this. "Oh you silk back into the shadows Allison" I said as I watched her disappear of as I pushed myself up the wound almost healed. "What did I do to her?" I asked. "I'm kind of the reason her mom died" Derek said. Allison's father sighed and walked off. "Of course you are" I said rolling my eyes.

"Y/n" Jackson said and I turned to him. I threw him my jacket to cover up. "Youre normal around all this, why?" he asked. "From the looks of it were the same" I told him. "The same" he questioned, "Half Kanima,Half werewolf" I told him. "What..." Lydia said. "Hot" Issac said which earned him some glares from Derek, Jackson and surprisingly Stiles.

We began to leave and I went over to Issac "Issac,can I stay with you tonight, I need a place" I told him. "At the moment I'm actually staying at your brother's" he told me. "That dirty old house, really?" I asked. "No the massive apartment" he replied. "What?" I said my head turning to Derek. "I was getting you a room ready it was just taking a while" he said. "Is it ready now?" I asked. "Yeah but Issac's been staying in it" he told me. "Hmm, we can share" I said. "Not happening" Derek replied. I jumped into the jeep as they did. "You all need a ride, of course" Stiles sighed and started the jeep.

We got dropped off and I was introduced to the large apartment. "Not to shabby" I said. "That's true" someone said. "You arse I was told you were dead" I said and I ran and hugged him. "No one told her I was alive, Derek your not that honest are you" he chuckled. "That's true" I chuckled back. "So anything new with you" he said. "Found out I was half Kanima, you?" I asked. "Ressurected, that's about it" he told me."How?" I asked. "Lydia Martin" he told me. "You should go" Derek said arms crossed. "Perhaps, I'll be back,my favourite niece needs me" he said saluting off with a two finger salute. "See ya Uncle Pete" I said saluting back.

"Isn't he like a bad guy?" Issac asked. "Yes" Derek said as I said "No". "Whatever, goodnight" I said and with that I went to bed Issac following after.

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