Chapter 25

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Stiles pov

I got to Scott's house and went indoors and went straight to his room. Before Scott could prepare himself after having me crash into the room I began explaining it all to him. ''She's chosen them, we can't do anything about that" was his only reply.

Derek stopped talking to us after finding out he and Cora were shocked by this and Issac didn't utter a word.

Then there was a meet up, supposedly Deucallion just wanted to talk to Scott but no one fell for that. As Scott met him in the large abandoned building we all hid, ready to attack when necessary.

Then Deucallion said something that let everyone ears prick up"You know Y/n only left in hope to save your pack, hoping to stop you killing them" he said. Derek who was hidden behind a pillar a few metres away from me gave me a glance and I bowed my head. I had known this but mentioning this would of made things alot worse.

"Ok we all know what's really going on here, this is going to be a fight the many heartbeats show that I guess you've noticed that to, so come on get it over and done with" Deucallion finally announced.

Scott's pov

I let my claws spring out but then someone fell from a floor landing flat behind Deucallion it was Aiden "Ow" he said. Y/n jumped down after him smirking "You guys got to learn who to trust". Ethan then jumped down and in seconds he and Aiden had formed together even though he was in a paralysed state. "Well that's not fair" Y/n said as she looked up at the large werewolf that growled down at her.

In seconds the fight broke loose.

Y/ns pov

Familiar faces began to appear around me starting to fight. Even Cora and Allison were there. They had come prepared.

I began to fight Kali and Derek joined me seconds later shouting as we fought. "So you think it's a great idea to just run off to try and protect everyone, were werewolfs for god sake" he said his sentence stopping at bits when he took a swing. "I didn't have that much of a choice and well I'm back now happy" I said back. "Y/n-" he couldn't finish his sentence before he was thrown back by Kali. "Really thought we were going to be friends" I chuckled at her. She grabbed my throat pushing me against a pillar. My lack of air was increasing rapidly until a arrow his her hand just scraping my neck a bit.

She growled pushed me more into the wall and went into Allison. Someone ran over to me and in seconds was talking "You can't fight not like this" he said. "Peter? Hey, what do you mean?" I said still half gasping for air. "Look at Derek" he said and pointed Derek was getting hit hard blood splattering his head. "He could die, and if you want to help I need you to let the Kanima take over, so it can be told what to do" he said. "Fine but how do i-" in seconds he pushed his claws deep into my stomach and I felt it rush over me I was no longer in control.

Peter then said "Kill Ennis".

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