Chapter 22

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Y/ns pov

We walked in the darkness the only lights beaming from the streetlights. "There just calming in the woods" he told me. "That's good" I replied and he grinned at me. "What?" I chuckled. "Your fighting was badass" he smiled. "Thanks not to bad yourself" I smiled back. We arrived at my car and out of no where he lifted me up and placed me on the hood of the car and looked down at me and kissed me. I kissed back and we had a two minute make out sesh. "What was that about?" I asked him. "To say I'm sorry that I haven't been around the last couple days" he told me.

I chuckled as I clicked the button on my keys to open my car saying "I think I'm going to need a bigger apology". He chuckled "Oh yeah?" He asked and I nodded opening the door and sliding into the drivers seat. He slid into the passenger seat and shut the door. In seconds he had latched himself onto my mouth again and I clambered onto his lap as we made out. Finally when we pulled apart from breathe he said through small breaths. "Back seat" and I nodded. We  basically threw ourselves to the back seats and there I pulled of his shirt and he pulled of mine and it became alot more heated.


When around six am came the sun began to rise and we went to sit on the roof of the car to watch the sun rise. I sat on his lap as I wore his shirt and he wore only his jumper on his chest. The sky was blanketed with pink clouds against the red and blue sky. I took his hand in mine and said softly "I love you". I could here the smile in his voice as he replied "I love you too".

The day could of stayed great but when 2pm came on my joyful Saturday I fell to anger, me and Issac had just gone through a drive thru grabbing lunch when our phones buzzed. He checked my phone as I drove and he told us it was the same message, he said it was saying  'My going away party Saturday 7pm'. From Jackson.

A minute later before I could comprehend what I had just heard Danny called me and I put him on speaker. "Did you find out over text to?" He asked. "Yeah, so did everyone else, I can't believe he only told us over text, like everyone else fine, but us over text when I get my hands on him..." I trailed off letting Danny's mind imagine the things I planned. "Please tell me your not going to ditch me to for Stilinski and Mc'all, seriously there weird, there conversations have freaked me out on many occasions" he told me. "Of course not, they freak me out to" I told him. He chuckled and said he would see me later and I said bye.

"It's gonna be fun watching you whoop his ass" Issac chuckled and I nudged his shoulder jokingly and he just laughed.

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