Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:

I hum to the music playing from the radio as I hang up another t-shirt. After Five and I took a nap we went to the store across the street and bought a bunch of clothes. Well, I bought a bunch of clothes. Five only bought three outfits, two of which are suits from the tailor in the hotel but it's better than the uniform. I, however, went all out and bought like 12 different outfits. I have a feeling that we are going to be staying here for a while until we all find a new place to live. I even got a new backpack because mine is worn out. We also bought some other stuff we thought we might need. I grab the last outfit from the shopping bag and hang it up in the closet.

I look in the closet and grab a pair of sleep shorts and a crop top that I bought. I take off the dress I was wearing and put on the shorts and shirt. God, it felt nice to get out of this dress. I hang up the dress and close the closet door. I can hear the shower in the bathroom turn off meaning Five was done. A couple of seconds later he comes out in one of the hotel robes.

"Hey, we're supposed to meet everyone downstairs at the bar. Diego and Klaus also got us all some food," I say.

"Awesome, I'll blink us down there."

I nod my head and put on a pair of sandals I got while Five slips on his shoes. I grab the room key and put it in the pocket of my shorts.

"Ready," Five asks.

I nod my head and grab his hand. He blinks us downstairs to where the bar is. I look around to see Diego, Luther, and Klaus all sitting at a table.

"Want anything to drink," Five asks as he walks behind the bar.

"Yeah I'll have a cocktail," I say.

Five nods his head and begins making our drinks. I look around to see some of the people in the lobby staring and pointing at me.

"People are staring again," I whisper to Five. Five looks around the lobby at all the people.

"Okay now this is just getting weird," Five says as someone takes a picture of me.

"I don't understand. I mean, what is going on? How do all these people know me?"

"I don't know. And what did that one guy mean earlier when he said he was a fan of yours and he thought you went missing. I thought maybe he was a druggie but it seems everyone knows you."

"That's what I'm wondering too. And this lady in the elevator today... she said I looked very familiar. It's just kinda freaking me out."

"Look, for now, let's just try and ignore it. But if this continues tomorrow then we will talk to someone and see what is going on and why people are taking pictures of you."

I nod my head and grab my drink. Five walks out from behind the counter with his drink and we head over to the table where Luther, Klaus, and Diego are sitting.

"What's wrong? You look happy," Luther tells Five as we approach the table.

"And you look worried," Diego tells me. Five and I set our drinks down and take a seat at the small table.

"I am plenty happy. Had a nap and a shvitz. What does a man need," Five asks.

"Brothers who don't eat like barn animals," Klaus says. Luther and Diego look at the three of us with their mouths full of food.

"And Diego was right, I am worried. Have you guys noticed people taking pictures of me," I ask as I open my box of food.

Diego, Luther, and Klaus all look around us. A guy gives us a wave and takes a picture of me. Diego grabs a knife from his holder and throws it at the guy's armchair. The guy immediately puts the camera down.

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