Chapter 26

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Just to let you guys know, this chapter takes place the same time the previous two chapters took place. So this starts at the same time as Chapter 25 part 1 starts if that makes sense. You'll understand better as you read this chapter.

Fives POV:

Panic fills my whole body as I look out the door and into the hallway. The Kugelblitz is coming straight towards us. We have a few minutes tops.

"Okay, we're out of time! The Kugelblitz is here," I tell everyone as I turn around.

As I was looking at everyone, I notice Y/n. Her hand is on her chest and... is she wheezing? I quickly walk over to her and put my hands on her shoulder.

"Y/n," I ask.

She doesn't move or say anything. It looks like her body is frozen in place. I can hear a wheezing noise coming from her mouth and she starts to clutch her chest harder.

"Y/n," I ask again.

For a few seconds nothing happens, but suddenly her body drops to the ground.

"Y/N! Y/N," I yell as I shake her body. She doesn't move.

She's laying on the floor, her body barely moving. Something is happening to her, but I don't know what. I continue to shake her but nothing happens.

", no, no," I say frantically. It's then that everyone sees what's happening.

"Y/n," Diego asks as he runs over to us.

"Wh-what happened," Klaus asks.

"Is she okay," Viktor and Sloane ask.

I try to answer but before I could a loud explosion interrupts me. The Kugelblitz is going to be here any second.

"Guys we gotta go," Allison says frantically.

"Into the passage! It's the only way," Dad says. Diego nods and starts running towards the passage, Lila following behind him.

"You agreed to stay," I say.

"They killed Luther, all right? And we can't save Y/n if we are dead!"

I look down at her. Suddenly, her chest stops moving. Her body completely stills and she is no longer breathing. My heart drops and I feel a feeling I only felt twice in my life. Once when I was in the apocalypse and the other time when I had a nightmare about Y/n getting shot in Dallas.

I'm about to have a fucking panic attack right here infront of everyone.

"Come on, children! Hurry," Dad says.

"We can't leave him," Sloane says as she cries over Luther's body.

"We go now, or we're gonna die," Allison says as she tries to pick her up.

"No, God."

"We have to go! Come on."

"Hurry," Klaus tells me.

"Children! Hurry, please! Come on," Dad says.

Sloane shakily gets up and goes into the passage with Allison.

"Go, go, go! Come on!"

"What are you waiting for," Dad asks me.

I contemplate what to do for a second. Y/n agreed to us staying here but if this was me laying on the floor...I know what she would choose. I scoop up her limp body and carry her to the passage.

"This isn't over," I tell Dad.

As soon as I step inside bright lights fill my vision. My body shakes as I quickly carry Y/n's body down the tunnel. I feel like my knees are going to give in any second. I'm not even sure if she is alive.

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