Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

I groan and put a pillow over my head as I hear knocking on the door. When it doesn't stop, I sigh and sit up. I look at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to me. It's 10:00 am. The wedding starts later tonight and to be honest... I have no idea what I'm going to wear. But it's not like I had much time to pick something out. We didn't know about the wedding until about a few hours ago.

After the meeting earlier, Five and I have been hanging out in our room the whole time. There isn't much to do since half the city is gone so we have been keeping ourselves occupied. After a while tho we ended up taking a nap.

"Who's knocking," Five asks in a sleepy voice.

"No idea," I say as I get up. As I was walking towards the door, Five calls out to me.

"Remember to put a robe on or something."

I look down to see I was just in my underwear and a cropped t-shirt. I walk into the bathroom and grab one of the robes from in there. As I was putting it on, the knocking continues.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I yell to the door.

I quickly tie the robe and open the door. I soon discover that it was Lila who was knocking.

"Finally. Took you bloody long enough," she says.

When she sees me in the robe she looks me up and down before looking into the bedroom where she sees Five lying in bed trying to go back to sleep.

"Sorry if I um...interrupted something"

"It's fine. We needed to get up anyways. So what's up?"

"I'm going to find a dress for the wedding. Are you in?"

"Where are we going to find a dress," I ask as I cross my arms.

"A bunch of rich people stayed on this floor and the ones above it. I'm sure a bunch of them have some dresses we can steal. It's not like they are going to need it."

I think about it for a minute before nodding my head. I do need a dress for the wedding.

"Okay fine. Let me change."

Just as I was about to shut the door, I hear another voice coming from down the hallway.


I peek out the door to see Viktor walking towards us. When he reaches us he stands next to Lila.

"Is Five in there," Viktor asks me.

"Yeah, he's taking a nap. Why," I ask.

"I'm throwing Luther a bachelor's party at 2:30. Tell Five to come. It's on the third-floor lounging area."

"2:30. Got it."

Viktor nods his head and begins to walk away. When he was gone, I look at Lila.

"Give me a few minutes to get ready," I say.

She nods her head and I close the door. I turn around and begin walking towards the dresser that was in the room.

"Where you going," Five asks in a sleepy voice.

"Lila and I are going to go break into some rich people's hotel rooms to see if we can find any dresses for the wedding," I say as I grab some clothes from the dresser.

"Have fun."

"Also, Viktor is throwing a Bachelor's party for Luther at 2:30. It's gonna be on the third floors lounging area. He said you are invited."

I hear Five roll over on the bed as I change into a black t-shirt and blue jean shorts. I grab a green jacket and put it on along with a pair of boots I got. When I was done, I look up to see Five staring at me with a smile.

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