Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV:

Sloane's bachelorette party was fun. We helped her make her dress, some decorations, and we even broke into the rich couple's room again to help her find some shoes. It was probably the most fun I have had in a while if I'm being honest.

Towards the end though, Sloane started to freak out because she realized that she hasn't set up the venue yet and only had some of the decorations done. Luckily, Lila and I reassured her we would take care of it so she could finish making her dress and getting ready for the wedding. It took us a few hours but in the end, it all came together and the venue looks amazing. Hopefully, Sloane and Luther like it.

When I approach mine and Five's room I dig around in my pocket until I find the key. When I finally find it I unlock the door and step into the room.

"Y/n? That you," Five asks.

"Yeah it's me," I say as I walk towards him. He was lying down on the bed reading some book.

"How was Sloane's bachelorette party?"

"It was good! We helped her with her dress and made some decorations. And we broke into that rich couple's room again so she could find some shoes. Towards the end though, Sloane remembered that she hadn't set up the venue yet and started to freak out so Lila and I told her we would go set it up so she could focus on finishing her dress. The venue actually looks really good. We did a good job."

I set down the bag I was carrying that contained my dress and everything else I need for the wedding before walking over to Five and laying down next to him.

"You and Lila like best friends now," Five asks.

"Don't act like you aren't slowly becoming friends with her."

"I guess she's alright."

That's Five's way of saying "yeah I guess we are kinda friends". I smile and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Did Allison show up," Five asks.

"Yeah. But for Sloane's sake, we didn't talk to each other. Did you know apparently Allison was scared of me at the academy? Lila read her mind," I say.

"We were all scared."

"But I don't want you guys to be scared of me! I don't care if Allison is because she needs to be humbled, but I don't want everyone else to be scared of me."

When Five sees the panic in my eyes he gives me a small smile. "I didn't mean it like that. I worded it wrong. We were just surprised. Maybe a little scared that you were going to kill Allison or that a flying lamp would hit us in the head, but we weren't scared of you, we were scared of what you were doing. Does that make sense," Five asks. I nod my head. "Plus, I've seen you do that in the apocalypse so I wasn't surprised. Well, all except the rebooting someone's heart part, obviously. But that's not the point. The point is, we weren't scared of you. If anything I personally find you being mad kinda hot."

I smile as I shake my head. "You are so weird."

"But you love me."

"Do I?"

"Come on, how could you not love me," Five asks. I pretend to think about it for a second before nodding my head.

"I suppose you're right," I say. "How long till the wedding?"

Five turns his head and looks at the alarm clock next to him.

"Two hours."

I quickly sit up and jump off the bed. Shit, I didn't realize it took Lila and me that long to set up the venue!

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