Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV:

Lila, Five, and I all wipe snow off of us as we run into The Commission. I shiver and rub my hands together as I try to keep warm. When we get inside the three of us look around the foyer in shock. The Commission was completely destroyed. It looked like a tornado flew through here. Glass was broken, doors were falling apart, and piles of broken ceilings and walls were all over the ground.

"Holy shit... I was just here. How long was I bloody gone," Lila asks as we look around.

"It seems the grandfather paradox is affecting everything," Five says as he puts down the briefcase. He rotates his wrist in a circle as he rubs it. Those briefcases were always a pain in the ass to carry.

"Even places out of time," I add.

"Is that possible," Lila asks.

Five lets out a scoff, "I stopped tracking what was possible a long ago."

Just as I was about to speak up, pieces of the ceiling collapses and falls to the floor. I gasp as Five grabs my hand and pulls me back with him. Snowflakes coming from the hole that was now in the ceiling start to surround us.

"We better get moving," I say. Just as Five was about to pick up the briefcase I stop him. "I'll get it."

I look at the briefcase and watch as it floats next to us.

"We'll check the Infinite Switchboard," Five tells Lila as we begin to walk up the stairs.

"And I'll check Herb's office. Little cockroach would survive anything," Lila says. "Bye!"

"See ya."


"Miss you," Lila calls to us.

"That's weird," Five calls to her. I smile and look around at everything as we walk down the hall.

"It looks like a tornado flew through here," I say as we step over a broken table.

"Tell me about it," Five says.

"But honestly, it's kinda sad to see. I mean, this was our home for a few years."

"I couldn't give two shits if this place is destroyed. I'm glad it's gone. This place was a hellhole. Caused a bunch of problems."

"What are we going to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well The Commission is destroyed and that's not good. We may stop this whole Grand Father Paradox thing but the timeline will still get messed up somehow. Especially since no one will be looking after it."

"I don't know. But we will think of something...we always do."

I nod my head as step over a piece of broken ceiling. I look around the hallway and stop walking when I notice a familiar door.

"Here it is," I say.

Five nods his head and opens the door. We both step inside and look around the room. It wasn't as bad as it was out in the halls but still was damaged. Dust from the ceiling covered the whole place and pieces of the wall were on the floor.

"Okay...," I mumble as I set down the briefcase.

Five and I walk over to the infinite switchboard and he brushes the dust off of the screen. I press some of the buttons below the screen until a video of Herb pops up.

"Okay right here," Five tells me. I stop messing with the buttons and look at the screen.

"There's been a rip in the space-time continuum. It's swallowing everything. Oh, my sweet Dot, Iris, Josh from accounting, they're all gone. I've tried everything! I don't know what else to do. The timeline is collapsing." I watch as a frantic Herb looks around on the screen. I can also hear people yelling in the background. "This is... the end."

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