Chapter 31 (Epilogue)

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12 years later (April 2031):

Y/n's POV:

I run my fingers through my hair as I stare down one of the windows in the Academy. The house fills with the sound of laughter and talking as everyone goes on with their day. It's been 12 years since the Sparrows and Umbrellas came to together and became one big family. It's also been 12 years since the universe was reset.

A lot has changed in 12 years. For starters, Five and I have four kids. Yeah, that's right. Four. I'm not gonna lie, four kids were not on our list but every day I thank God that we have them.

Our first kid is named Zane. He was born two years after we reset the universe. It was a little bit of a surprise when we found out I was pregnant with him but he truly is a blessing. The funny thing is that Zane is a spitting image of Five when he was younger. They look exactly alike. Zane is currently 9 (but he turns 10 next week) and discovered he has powers when he was 6. More specifically, he has two powers; He can remove and give memory. We discovered this when he accidentally erased Klaus's memory. Lila had to mimic his powers for Klaus to get them back.

The second power is Premonition. He can see and look into the past and future. He ended up discovering this when he came up to Five and me one day and asked where Five took me. Long story short, he saw the past and watched Five and I get stuck in the future. It was hard to explain to a 6-year-old what happened so we just said we went on vacation.

Our second and third kid children ended up being twins. Amelia and Elenor (or El and Lia as we like to call them). They are the sassiest 6-year-olds you will ever meet. They have long brown hair with bangs. The only difference between them is Elenor has blue eyes and Amelia has brown eyes. Amelia's hair is also a little bit darker. We didn't expect to have twins but we definitely wouldn't have it any other way. We discovered their powers when they were 4 and 5. Since they are twins, their powers go together.

Elenor can rewind time while Amelia can fast-forward time. They both can pause time but they usually have to work together to do so. They also have the power of illusion. We discovered their illusion powers when they got angry one time and accidentally made it look like the Academy was about to collapse. Yeah, it was not fun trying to evacuate 22 people when you think a building is about to collapse on you.

Our last child is named Lucas. He's currently 8. Now Lucas has a very interesting background story because Five and I adopted him when he was 6. Our original plan was to just settle with 3 kids, but when we heard about this boy who has been in the foster care system since he was 2, we had to take him in.

We first met Lucas when Zane came home one day saying he made a new friend. We asked him how he met him and he said when he was playing outside he saw the boy sitting on the sidewalk all by himself. He then told us he was sitting infront of the big old house that is a few buildings down from the academy. Five and I immediately knew he was talking about the orphanage. Long story short, Zane asked if he wanted to play with him and they became best buds.

Lucas had been here quite a few times to play with Zane and the girls. He is the sweetest kid ever. He has dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes. I immediately knew that I wanted us to adopt him when I was walking him home one day after a play date. It was just me and him since Five had to take the girls to their dance practice and Zane to baseball.

Anyways, when we reached his home he asked if he could tell me something. I nodded my head and squatted down to his level. He didn't say anything at first but then he hugged me and said "I don't remember much about my actual Mom or Dad but I do know that they made me feel safe and loved. And I know you and Five aren't my actual parents but you guys make me feel safe and loved. So even though you guys aren't my real Mom or Dad, you definitely feel like it. Thank you for being my pretend parents."

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