Bonus Chapter (Gabi's origin story)

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Just a little FYI, Gabi and Emma's thoughts are Italian since it's their main language but it's translated to English. Also, the italics in dialogue are the translation of what they say.

Emmas (Gabi's Mammma) POV:

I hold onto Gabi's hand as we cross the street. I look around at the city. So this is what America is like.

"Mamma, dove stiamo andando," Gabi asks. Mamma, where are we going?

Stiamo andando a vedere un dottore," I tell her.  We are going to the doctor

"Non voglio andare dal dottore!" I don't want to go to the doctor!

"Questo è un medico speciale per i bambini come te. Ha più bambini che hanno poteri come te." This is a special doctor for kids like you. He has more kids that have powers like you.

We approach the big building infront of us. I look at it for a second before walking towards the gate. When we approach the door I hold up my hand but hesitate. I look down at Gabi and the suitcase she is pulling. I know I should do this. No, I have to do this, but sometimes I wonder if I am making the right decision. Finally, I knock on the door. Only a few seconds later does it open.

"Emma! Benvenuto," the man infront of me says. Emma! Welcome!

I switch to English. "Don't act all cheerful Reginald. This is a hard day for me and you know it."

"Right. Apologies. Come in."

He holds the door open and Gabi and I step inside. I look around the big building. It was huge! And by huge I mean five stories high. I hear Gabi giggle from underneath me.

"Mamma, guarda una scimmia!" Mamma, look a monkey!

I look as a chimpanzee wearing clothes and glasses starts walking towards us. My eyes widen. Well, that's not something you see every day.

"Ciao Gabriella, sono Pogo. Posso portare la tua borsa per te?" Hello Gabriella, I'm Pogo. Can I take your bag for you?

Gabi hands her suitcase to this so-called Pogo but keeps her backpack on.

"Pogo, why don't you take Gabi to meet the kids," Reginald says. "Gabi, would you like to go play with my children?"

Gabi looks up at me as she scrunches her face.

"Vuoi andare a giocare con dei bei bambini," I translate. Gabi smiles and nods her head. My heart hurts as I watch her walk away with Pogo.

"Why don't we go talk in my office," Reginald says.

I nod my head and follow him up some stairs until we stop infront of a door. He unlocks it with a key and we step inside. As soon as we sit on the couch I feel tears form in my eyes.

"I tried Reginald. I tried and I tried and I tried but I can't do it. She broke a kid's arm at school the other day. He needs surgery because the bone mysteriously snapped in half," I say.

"Emma...tell me the real reason you are here. 6 years ago you didn't even let me touch Gabriella when I offered to take her in. Why now?"

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