Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV:

The flash of the camera light blinds me for a few seconds as mine and Five's picture gets taken. A few seconds later my vision goes back to normal and I see Chet holding two pictures.

"It's five dollars for a four-by-five. Eight if you want both of them," Chet tells us.

When he came around to our table and asked us if we wanted our picture taken, I immediately said yes. Five said no at first but immediately gave in when he saw how badly I wanted our picture to be taken. We only have one picture together and it's the one that Elliott took of us back in Dallas before we broke into the Mexican Consulate.

Elliott... I truly do miss him. He was like the Dad I never had and I just know that he would be proud of how the future evolved many years later. Well, minus the Kugelblitz part. But everything else he would have loved.

I dig around in the pockets of my dress and pull out eight dollars. I hand it to Chet and he gives us the pictures. I smile as Five and I look at them. In the first one, I was cupping Five's cheek with one hand and giving him a kiss on the other. He was smiling but his eyes were closed from the camera's flash. It's still a cute picture tho. In the second one, we were both smiling as Five kisses me. Both pictures were adorable.

"Those are cute," Five says.

I nod my head and put both photos in my pocket. Five and both turn back to the table a continue eating our food. Earlier when Lila and I were setting everything up for the wedding, Chet volunteered to cook some food for the event. Turns out, he loves to cook. He said that he had nothing else to do since we were the only ones in the hotel. Lila and I both said okay and Chet went all out. He had fruits, lamb, vegetables, salads, many different types of pasta, chicken, and so much more. He even made some dessert. Well, except for the cake. Luther made that.

I have to say, I'm impressed because this food is amazing. I don't know how he managed to cook all of this on such short notice but I didn't bother to question. As long as he didn't lace our food with poison I'm all good.

As I was about to take a bite of my lamb, I hear a familiar voice walking towards our table.

"Cinco! Ocho! Mi hermano and hermana," Klaus cheers as he points finger guns at us.

"Oh God," Five whispers as he puts down his watermelon.

"Cuatro... what do you want," I ask. Klaus smiles as he grabs a chair and sits in front of Five and me.

"Listen to me, Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So what say you we pop up to the suite for a little chitchat," Klaus asks. I roll my eyes at the mention of Dad.

"Are you like Frick and Frack with the old man now," Five asks.

"This dad's different. He's a turtle. Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside!"

"Yeah, until he shows his true colors and turns out to be a whole ass snapping turtle," I say.

"Klaus," Five asks as he puts his hand on Klaus's shoulder.


"Old dogs like me and him never change. He has never had our best interests at heart. So, our only plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition." I smile as Five wraps his arm around my shoulder. "And I'm gonna have some alone time with my wife before we die a miserable death."

"Sure. Have at it," Klaus says as he stands up.

"We will," I say.

I smile and watch as Klaus looks at Diego. Lila was walking back to their table with a plate full of food when she notices Klaus. I can tell she immediately knew what he was up to because she puts down her plate and speed walks towards Klaus. Just as Klaus was about to get up, Lila grabs a chair, sets it in front of Klaus, and pushes him back into his chair.

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