Chapter 20

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Y/n's POV:

I take a sip of my wine as Five and I watch Sloane and Luther dance together. Lila and Diego were also dancing together while Klaus and Viktor were talking on the dance floor. Allison and Ben were just sitting at one of the tables drinking. After slow dancing to a couple of songs Five and I decided to take a break, grab some drinks, and relax.

I smile as Luther spins Sloane around. They are probably one of the cutest couples ever. I never believed in love at first sight until I saw them together.

A loud booming noise comes from outside which causes me to jump a little. Another building must have collapsed. I chug the rest of my wine before grabbing the bottle that was on the table. I was about to pour myself more to drink, but before I could, Five grabs my wrist and stops me from pouring some more wine.

"What's wrong," he asks.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong," I say with a nervous laugh. I try to grab the other bottle of wine on the table but before I can Five grabs my other wrist and stops me.

"Something is wrong. I can tell. And you're stress-drinking. You don't even like Yellow Tail Wine. You have seemed on edge ever since we were dancing. So what's up?"

I look at Five for a few seconds before sighing and putting the bottles of wine down.

"I'm just nervous," I say. Five looks at me for a few seconds before putting his hand on top of mine. His face softens as he looks at me.

"That's something I never thought I would hear you say," he says with a small laugh.

I give him a sad smile. He's trying to lighten up the mood. When he sees the expression on his face he takes a deep breath and turns his chair so he's facing me.

"I know you're scared. I'm scared to. But we did everything we could. At least we will be together when it happens," Five says.

"I'm not scared. I'm nervous and a little bit disappointed. I'm just upset that all of us didn't get the life we deserved or wanted. You guys don't deserve to die."

Five cups my cheek and wipes the tear that falls from my eye. "You don't deserve to die either, but sadly it's just the way life works. Everyone dies sooner or later."

"Yeah but it's not fair. Everyone else still had their whole lives ahead of them," I say as I look around at everyone. I sigh and look back at Five. "And you and me... we were supposed to have a better life. We were supposed to stop the apocalypse and finally have the life we always wanted. We can't do that now. I just... I don't know. I feel like we failed. Not just at stopping the apocalypse, but we failed at living life. We didn't live the life we deserved. Hell, we hardly lived at all."

Five looks at me for a few seconds before scooting his chair so it's directly side by side with mine.

"Come here," he says.

I scoot over closer to him and he wraps his arms around me. I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts a kiss on my cheek as he rubs his hands up and down my back and arms.

"Those years, with us stuck in the apocalypse, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Despite the circumstances, I loved every second of it. I loved spending every single day of my life with you. Maybe we didn't get a perfect life, with the perfect home, and the perfect kids, but I did get a perfect wife. And I got to spend my whole life with her. In my eyes, I say we did live, and I say we lived a pretty damn good life. Don't you agree?"

"Yeah...," I whisper.

"I wouldn't want my life to be any other way. Who knows... if we didn't go to the apocalypse, maybe we wouldn't have even gotten married or even stayed in contact with one another once we got older. Who knows what would have happened? I know my life probably would have sucked if it turned out that way."

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