Chapter 30

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Y/n's POV:

"What," Allison asks.

"I- I can get you back Claire," I say.

" can?"

"I worked with something like this in The Commission. I remember now. I remember everything," I tell Five. "Being the owner, starting The Commission, all of it."

"I think I remember to... it's all fuzzy," Five says. I look at his arm and notice that despite his attempt to tie it, it was still bleeding. I take off my makeshift bandage and tie it around his arm.

"We became the owners of The Commission when you learned how to go back in time in the apocalypse. We found a group of people from different decades all over the world and started The Commission to try to stop the apocalypse from happening in hopes of saving our family one day.

The reason why we don't remember is because The Handler and Aj erased our memories so they could take charge. They told everyone we lost our memories on a mission when really they were able to get a blood sample from me that contained some of the Merigold that runs through my blood.

They made some type of machine that had what causes my telepathy and rebooting powers in it and used it on us. The machine caused us to lose all the memories we had of The Commission and becoming the owners. Then The Handler and Aj took over."

"Yes...yes! I remember now! We got hurt on that mission. The one where we tried to recruit Jason Webber and he...he shot us. The Handler found us," Five says.

"We were in the infirmary for days. By the time we became the founders, I figured out how to use my telepathy and rebooting powers together and could erase certain memories instead of all of someone's memories. That's how they were able to only erase the memories of us becoming The Commission's founders and not any other ones.

They were somehow able to use my telepathy and rebooting powers because of the blood they took. They got some Merigold. I don't know how, but they must have made some type of machine that was able to find our memories of The Commission and erase them. But anything is possible at The Commission because we hired the most advanced people we could find. Including engineers."

"I bet it was that bitch Janes," Lila mumbles.

"I remember we tried to stop them but we were so weak from the accident we couldn't do anything."

"But how did we meet her in the apocalypse," Five asks.

"I think I remember...," Lila says. Five and I turn towards her. "I was young. Really young. Mum was talking to me about how sometimes if we want to be in control we have to take stuff. I overheard her talking to someone. Aj maybe? About what to do with subjects 1837 and 1838. I was so young I don't remember everything and it's all still fuzzy but I think... I think they cleared all of the memories you had of The Commission and put you back in the apocalypse where they found you."

"As if we never left. And then The Handled found us and she and Aj became in charge. Well, she became Aj's right-hand man."

"How are you guys remembering this now," Sloane asks.

"When Dad was taking those particles out of us it did something to the medicine in our brain. It must have sucked out the medicine since it contained whatever those particles are."

"Holy shit...," Five whispers.

"We had one of these. We built one," I say as I walk over to the machine.

"That's right. To make another universe so we could keep everyone safe. To restart the universe..."

"So what are you guys saying," Viktor asks.

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