Chapter 25 (part 2)

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Y/n's POV:

My heart feels like it just left my chest and dropped right onto the floor. What did she just say?

"What," I ask Gabi in a low voice.

"Dad killed you, and I saw it all happened," she says.

I stare at her in shock as I try to take in what she just said. "He did what..."

"Don't make me say it again."

"But that doesn't make sense, I didn't get a shot!"

"Are you sure about that," she asks.

I stare at her. A few moments later I shake my head. "I would have felt it."

"Probably not. You were so worried and distracted by Luther's death and the Kugelblitz, you didn't feel the needles."

"I don't- I can't believe it."

"You can read my memory. I watched it all happen. Which, by the way, you have no idea how frustrating it is for no one to hear you in the afterlife. I was quite literally yelling at you to turn around," Gabi says.

I look at her for a few moments before closing my eyes and reading her mind. A couple of seconds later I see the memory. All of us were sitting around Luther's body. Dad was standing next to me as Five and I were talking telepathically. Then I see it... as I was busy talking to Five Dad quickly sticks the needle in my arm and empties the syringe.

Then Ben calls and says The Kugelblitz was coming. I remember this is when I was starting to panic. I watch as Five gets up to look out the door. As I was watching him, Dad quickly sticks the other needle in my arm and empties out the whole syringe. I gasp and open my eyes.

"Holy shit...," I whisper.

"The first needle helped you feel a bit disoriented. Your mind was rushing, right?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, all I could think about was how I was about to die and everything I ever regretted."

"Yeah, like I said earlier, that's what the first shot does. It makes your mind race which causes you to get scared or worried which triggers our powers. And panicking that the Kugelblitz was coming probably sped up the process. And that second shot he gave you-"

"It makes my powers stronger," I say. "He used all the medicine in the syringe and you said that's enough medicine for eight people."

Gabi nods her head. "Exactly."

"I should have never let him show me what else I could do. I was fine just being able to reboot someone's mind."

"The same thing probably would have happened, you would have just lost your memory permanently. At least this is temporary."

"Why would he do this to me," I ask.

"My theory? He did it because of the same reason he killed Klaus-"


"Yes... he pushed him before he could get into the tunnel."

"Oh that son of a bitch I'm going to kill him! You know, Five and I said that we are done with killing but I think we can make one more exception."

Gabi laughs. "I forgot you were a trained assassin. Dad told me that once. Anyways, I think Dad was scared that you would find out he killed Luther and would tell everyone else. Klaus could talk to Spirit Luther and find out what happened and of course, Klaus would tell everyone it was Reginald who killed Luther, which would cause you all to team up against him and not complete the mission. As for you-"

"He was worried I would read his mind and find out what happened."

"Bingo," Gabi says.

"Well, that's stupid on his part because he should know my siblings and Five would try to bring me back to life," I say.

"I think sometimes he confuses me with you. He thinks no one would save no one saved me."

I stare at Gabi for a few seconds. My heart aches for her. This poor girl has been through hell and back.

"You're lucky you have a husband to care about you. Don't let go of that. Hold onto him," Gabi says.

I smile. "Sloane said the same thing to me the night we met."

Gabi smiles back. "I know. I was there."

"You were?"

"Yes. When I died I was still able to see my family when I pleased. It's weird. I can still go out into the real world as a ghost."

I watch Gabi as she walks over to one of the walls. "Follow me."

Then, she steps right through the wall and disappears. I stare at the wall for a few seconds in disbelief.

"This is some freaky shit...," I mumble before walking through the wall.

We are now standing in a different room. It looked like the White Buffalo Suite but something was different... everything was backwards. Where are we? Before I could even question anything I hear a door open. I turn around and watch as Ben, Sloane, Lila, Diego, Viktor, and Allison step out of the passage. A few seconds later Five steps out while carrying my limp body. His hands were shaking badly and even though no one can see it, I can tell he is on the verge of tears.

"Give her to me," Diego says.

Five lays my body in Diego's hands and jumps out of the passage. A few seconds later Dad steps out from behind him.

"There, set her on that couch," Sloane says. Diego immediately lays my body down.

I look next to me to see Gabi standing near me.

"How long have I been gone," I ask.

"Times weird here. You've been here in the afterlife for about 30 minutes but that's about 5 minutes in the real world."

"Gabi I got to get back! I have to help the other and get back to Five," I say.

"I know. I'm gonna help you do that. But just promise me one thing," Gabi says.


"Give Ben and Sloane closer. Promise me you will tell them the truth about my death."

I nod my head. "I will. I promise."

Gabi gives me a smile before turning back towards everyone. They were now all discussing what to do.

"Imagine yourself going back," Gabi says. "Being back in that body. Breathing."

I look at my body on the couch and imagine breathing again. I imagine my consciousness going back into the real world. At the same time, I watch as Five begins CPR on me. I suddenly feel like my body getting lighter. Like it's being transferred somewhere else. It's a euphoric feeling. I can feel and sense the electrical signals moving through my body again.

I continue to look at my body and imagine what it would feel like to breathe again. My body suddenly feels even more lighter and I swear I see a big bright light. The last thing I hear is "It was nice to finally meet you other Gabi".

I gasp and sit up.

Fun Fact: Gabi wanted to be a neurologist (someone who works on the nervous system/ electrical signals).

See you guys next chapter ❤️

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