Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV:

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, so you are a Sparrow," Klaus asks as he pulls up to the hotel.

"No, Klaus, for the sixth time, Gabi was a Sparrow," I explain.

I have been explaining to Klaus and Five what is going on with this whole Gabi and the Sparrows thing the whole ride to the hotel. Honestly, they are both getting on my nerves with all these questions. I have a feeling I am going to be even more annoyed when we have to tell everyone about this.

Five and I have also come to the conclusion that when we jumped here, we created a grandfather paradox. In other words...we are all going to die. We just want one fucking day off.

"But you are Gabi and Gabi is you," Five says as he looks at the picture of Gabi in the newspaper article I gave him.

I think saying Five was shocked when I gave him the picture was an understatement. He freaked out. He literally yelled "WHY IS THERE A PICTURE OF YOU WHEN YOU WERE THIRTEEN?! AND WHY ARE YOU IN A SPARROW UNIFORM?"

"I guess. It's kinda like what happened with Ben. You know how Ben was dead but now he is alive and a Sparrow," I ask.



"Okay, same thing with me. Gabi is dead but I am alive and am an Umbrella. Except by the time Dad adopted me I was already named Gabriella so that's why her name is different."

"And this is your birth mom," Five asks as he points to the other picture I gave him.

"Yes. Her name is Emma Costa and apparently, I was from Italy."

"Wow...that's Honestly, I have no words."

"Yeah, well just wait till we tell the others. I'm sure they will have loads of questions," I say as the three of us get out of the car.

Five hands me back the newspaper article and picture and I put them in my pocket. Thankfully when we get inside, the hotel lobby was empty since it was late so I don't have to worry about telling people to stop taking pictures of me.

It wasn't that hard to find everyone because all of them were sitting at the bar. Well, everyone except Luther. What is up with everyone's number one's going missing all of a sudden?

"Okay, gather around, people," I say as we approach everyone.

"Where is-- Where's every-- Where's Luther," Five asks as he looks around.

"Haven't seen him."

"Who knows?"

"Anybody knows where- Okay, you know what? We got bigger problems to worry about right now."

All of us walk over to the pool table as Five sets down the journal that that lady gave Klaus.

"Like what," Allison asks. We all look at her as she takes a sip of her drink. Damn, she seems to be in a bad mood.

"This," Five says as he opens the journal. He flips through the pages as we all look at the birthmothers.

"Who are they," Viktor asks.

"These are our mothers."

When Five flips the page to Klaus's birthmother is in he gasps and puts his hand on the picture.

"That one's mine," Klaus says.

"They're all dead," Five says as he looks around.

"Wait...there are only 6," Diego says as he flips through the book.

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