Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV:

"I can fight."

"I know you can," Five says with a nod.

"And I'm damn good at it!"

"I know you are."

"So why did you say that I should stay back," I ask.

Our meeting with Dad ended about an hour ago. While everyone is deciding what they want to do, Five and I decided to retrace our steps from last night to see if we can remember who we saw in the White Buffalo Suit. There's no point in us just sitting around, we already made our decision. Five's future self told us not to save the world so that is what we are going to do. Not save the world.

When Five doesn't answer my question I sigh and step in front of him. He stops walking as I cross my arms. Five lets out a breath as he looks at me. He stays silent for a couple of seconds.

"Because you're my wife," he finally says. "And I want to keep you safe. And I don't want you risking your life because of some person like Reginald."

"I risked my life my whole childhood because of him," I protest.

"I know. But I have a feeling this is bigger than just some simple bank robber and kidnapper missions. This is a life-or-death situation. We could go in there and never come out. We could all die in there."

I smile as I cup Fives cheeks. "Then I die with you. And it's not like we aren't going to die today anyways. Either way, we are goners."

Five stares at me for a couple of seconds. "I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said you should stay back. I'm just nervous with everything going on."

"I know... it's okay. But just don't let it happen again," I say with a serious voice.

Five laughs a little and nods his head. I smile and we continue to walk down the hall. As we were walking, we notice a bedroom door open in the hall. We peek inside to see Luther sitting on the bed inside.

"Hey," Five and I say at the same time as we step into the room. Luther looks up and gives us a small smile.

"Hey." We all stay silent for a few seconds as we listen to the sound of buildings collapsing outside. Luther looks out the window and back at us before asking, "How long do we have left?"

"A couple of hours," Five says.

"Could be more, could be less," I add in. "Where's Sloane?"

"Raiding the wine cellar for our end of the world party," Luther tells us.

"So I guess you guys know which way you're voting."

"You're more than welcome to join us."

"We're still on the fence on that one."

Five looks around the room as he walks around. "We saw something last night that we were not supposed to see," he finally says.

"Diego and Lila. Yeah, they do it on the stairs sometimes," Luther says as he nods his head.

Five shakes his head and I give Luther a confused look. Ouch... that sounds uncomfortable.

"No, we saw Dad. He was in his room with someone. He was making some kind of deal. Before you ask, we don't know what the deal was or who it was with. Everything is a blur."

"Wasn't me or Sloane. We were, uh, busy doing other things last night," Luther says with a smile.

"Yeah, we get it, Luther. Thank you. Everyone was boning everyone last night."

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