A Nun? A Ransom

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Scene Change:

A few days later:

Two days have passed since Ophis arrived at Deku's house, everything was still as calm as ever, the only difference was that Deku needed to maintain Ophis' almost infinite hunger that she was eating at all times.

Deku was taking advantage of the fact that Rias had thought he had died, due to having found a pool of blood in the park, to stay at home these days just sleeping.

With Issei:

He was just waking up

Issei: *Sighs* I screwed up last night.

He said weakly

So he dressed to go to school

On the way to school:

Issei: (I hope the President isn't mad at me yet.)

He was so distracted he didn't even notice using it if he bumped into someone

???: Hawaau!

He turned his attention to the voice and when he saw its face it immediately changed to a perverted one.

He had a nun face down on the floor showing her panties

???: Why did I fall?

Issei: (Who is this?)

The nun looked at him and he looked at her

But soon her expression was happy again

Issei: (A blonde girl in shiny white panties! How rare! That's great!)

He shouted happily in his thoughts

Issei: (Wait, what am I doing?)

He ran to help the fallen nun

Issei: Y-Are you okay?

He reached out his hand to use so she could get up

???: Thank you very much.

She was getting ready to get up, but at that moment the veil flew away because of the wind.

Her blond hair, which was covered by it, fell over her shoulders. It was blond and smooth that glistened in the sun.

She was a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her hair flows down to her back, with bangs parted across her forehead and a single strand sticking out of the top and falling back.

 Her hair flows down to her back, with bangs parted across her forehead and a single strand sticking out of the top and falling back

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Issei: (How cute...)

???: B-Well...

Issei noticed and soon pulled his hand

Issei: Sorry!

The veil that was lying on the ground started to fly again because of the wind

Issei: Oops...

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