Chapter 12: The first projection in Sphersea

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C.Boot unleashes a split projection from itself that flows through one arm raised with the micrometeoroid which has the glowing lime aura in a socketed center and brings about what is internally called the very first grand eldest CC Higalis, which come to appear in the Sphersea galaxy as 4 main gigantic galactic dust clouds as its quadrants.

The attention focused from C.Boot goes straight to the south-western quadrant of the galaxy as the intelligent telepathic connection toward a spot of thick layered white galactic dust close to the central south position rapidly clears to manifest a yellow medium-sized star birthing the first CC Higalis child in Sphersea. (The galactic dust as the Eldest CC Higalis and a child which is a star expressing as a new cosmic generation called an Elder CC Higalis).

It begins to fuel a burst of energetic bright light, and cause a shockwave of stardust in surrounding layers of rings outward, coming from the eager Elder CC Higalis internally within the star.

As the dust moves, C.Boot places the hand with the micrometeoroid directly toward spots of the dust rings to focus the points of beginning the star's worlds to be born, then allows the Elder CC Higalis within the star to begin to design their forms of spherical cosmic bodies. In the processing of world creation and settling stardust, C.Boot and this Elder CC Higalis telepathically transmit a name to be known for the star and its upcoming planetary system acknowledging it to be called Abeg.

As C.Boot begins to drift away around the galaxy, the first Abeg star becomes slightly smaller yet in a slow process of growth also, as the new cosmic bodies start to cycle in an orbit around it with new lesser CC Higalis internally with them taking part in unique details of the forming of these worlds.

The first in view as the closest to the Abeg star becomes Vov, a hot dwarf rocky barren, though highly gassy atmospheric planetoid. Here is where a powerful Eld CC Higalis is born with an extremely impulsive, and larger-than-life personality trait set up for a short-lived destiny.

The second world from the Abeg star becomes Purl, a slightly large-medium sized gas planet with a blueprinted faint ring formed around it, and another smaller yet dusty world forming near it to become a moon. The Eld CC Higalis within Purl is born with a much calmer, strong, stable, easy-going, and channel for any expression of beauty personality trait.

The new-born dusty world formed near Purl comes into a new phase fairly quickly as a barren moon named Poc, with only some smooth and rocky elevation as terrain. The simple CC Higalis within this moon Poc is born with a vulnerable, though strong, and honorable personality trait.

The third and final orbit away from the Abeg star becomes Eko, a near-dwarf barren planet somewhat larger than the moon world Poc of the Planet Purl. The Eld CC Higalis here is born with a responsive, vibrant yet also relaxed, and mellow personality trait.

As these worlds near a full cycle of the Abeg star, the planetoid Vov has a first and final outburst that causes itself to explode into the remains of leftover asteroids that become the first belt around Abeg, and one comet directed toward planet Eko.

This comet reaches a near-miss with Eko, only to slow down, and transform into a dust spec from afar.

It gets to be attracted in a vibrant field to orbit Eko and becomes a dwarf moon of it that is named Bef. This small moon is internally volcanic and has a sandy and dusty, more smooth surface to it. The simple CC Higalis child within this newly formed moon is born with an absorbent, highly tolerant, yet to be suppressed, and dangerously explosive personality trait.

C.Boot raises the field of the lime aura surging around the slight glowing light image of its body, and places the lime glow of the socket in the centre of the micrometeoroid at the torso of where a heart may be located in a humanoid, attracting the flow of energy inside its device.

As C.Boot pulls its hand with the device away, the lime glow in the socket more visually sizzles with another layer of an aura field and stretches its arm directing toward the Abeg star.

The lime aura around C.Boot flows in waves directly forward, and further accelerating as concentration flows through its arm and hand straight through the device that emits a lighter lime beam, then a ray of light that shoots directly into the core of the Abeg star.

A new manifestation of a projected entity and its form is born already thriving inside the star.

This is the first SE Higali of the Ozao class and it appears similar to what is more described as a mix between a bird's face without eyes, an anteater snout, bat's wings, and tail, details of geometric shaped interior patterns, and with small semi-visible light blue electrical sparks flowing around its mostly pink and small yellow layered body image, where it exists between a near 7-6D level of life as typical for most Higalis in Sphersea.

C.Boot shakes from a temporary state of dizziness and pleasantly senses the absolute trusted intentions within the newborn Ozao Higali, confidently moving away from the star system.

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