5 - can't take my eyes off of you

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The next night

I press my ear against the door to our apartment, trying to hear if the coast is clear. No footsteps, and so far this night, unit's 315 door has remained closed. 

I'm not acting weird for no reason. I have a very valid reason!

Jungwon can not see me! I mean, I know I'm bound to tomorrow at school, but if I can avoid him today, I'll feel fine.

So, I didn't text him. To be fair, I don't text anyone. I don't have anybody's phone number saved. I even deleted Jungwon's number.

I would have looked at it throughout the entire night (to which I did) and would have contemplated to text, call, or whatever (to which I also did), and I couldn't bound to make a bold mistake. 

Plus, seeing how Harin even acted when I was near him, it makes me even want to dismiss my crush for him even more. 

I've been hated on because of just simply being me, but I've never been hated on because of a guy.

I've been thrown spit balls, called names, been ignored by the entire school and got laughed at for no reason. At Suwon, I would have an occassional insult on a thursday or friday, and no one would ever want to be friends with me.

I can handle that, but who knows what these girls at school can do. 

Dunk my head in the toilet? Jumped behind the school's dumpster? Stripped naked and get posted on social media? 

This all sounds like it could be from a movie, but there's a reason why we have so many suicides...

I'm already on the edge... do I really want to tip over?

And especially because a guy that peaked in high school? I have more serious things to focus on.


"Aren't you going to leave?"

I flinch, startled by the sight of Sunoo. Weird that I'm being noticed by him.

"You care?" I say back grabbing my helmet.

Today's Sunday, and last week, I came in last place in the race due to me sliding with Scarlett. I have to bring my A game.

"Do whatever. I don't care!" Sunoo huffs going to his room.

I roll my eyes, Sunoo... I know you don't care. Don't rub it in my face.

Opening the door, my soul nearly leaves my body when I see Jungwon leaned back against the railings with his arms crossed.

He looks different than I've ever seen him thus far. Besides his regular school attire, he dresses laid back. Comfy if anything. He's usually in a hoodie and joggers, or something loose fitting.

But today, he's in black tight clothing, and leather boots.

"Going somewhere?" He questions smirking looking me up and down.

Like him, I'm also wearing clothes he's not used to me wearing. My biker clothes that consist of a leather jacket and boots, thick black jeans, and a black turtle neck.

"W-What are you doing out here?" I question shocked.

He shrugs, "You didn't text me yesterday."

"Oh... that," I say trying to look like I forgot, but I'm not an actor. I can't pull it off even if I tried my best to embody Han Hyo-Joo.

"Yea... that," he chuckles. "I was worried."

I shake my head, "You don't need to be worried when I'm not your girlfriend."

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