15 - The Sacrifice

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- Sora PoV -

"Don't you think they're taking too long?" Harin paces back and forth.

We're still waiting on Jay and Jungwon to return. It's taking longer than we all expected...

"Jeez, chill out," Taeho says. "If they die, so what?"

"So what?!" Harin shouts at him.

"Watch it," Niki glares at Taeho.

"And what are you going to do? you little punk," Taeho sits up glaring at him also.

Niki stands up but Jake instantly pulls him back down.

"Stop picking fights with people," Jake calmly tells Taeho. "It's unneccessary."

They continue to bicker back and forth as Dabin suddenly sits next to me.

"I'm scared," She confesses to me.

Aren't we all...

It's been a little over an hour since Jay and Jungwon left. I keep thinking about what Jungwon said earlier... about continuing to practice...

He just wants me to fall for him like how every girl does... unfortunately I'm just like them. I can't let him know that... but it's so hard not to.

We almost kissed and god... how I would have loved it.

"Do you think they're going to comeback?" Dabin questions to me quite worried.

I sigh, "I hope so..."

"I really hope Jungwon does... I don't know what I'm going to do without him," Dabin says as she rubs her stomach.

I furrow my eyebrows noticing her doing that for the second time already...

"You'll be just fine without him," I nearly laugh. "You don't need a man."

"Some of us do," Dabin instantly objects. "I need him."

"But... you don't know him," I say stating a true fact. I've been here longer than her, but I don't know Jungwon like the back of my hand... I only think I do.

"I know him enough," she says seeming like she's getting quite agigtated with me.

"I understand that you like him but... really... I think you're strong enough to go on by yourself," I say trying to give her some encouragement.

She exhales heavily, "You know how some people marry for convenience?"

Marriage? All of a sudden?

"Sure?" I seem to question where she's going with this.

"I... I need Jungwon... for convenience," she confesses. She closes her eyes, "He's reliable... trustworthy... everything you need in a man."

You don't have to remind me...

She opens her eyes looking down at her stomach, "I need him for me... for us."

My eyes slightly widen.

"Us?" I question.

She rubs her stomach, "I'm pregnant."

"W-What?" I stutter. "Jungwon's the..."

"No," she cuts me off. "Of course not... I just moved here..."

Right! Phew! Of course not...

"I moved here because I got pregnant..." she explains. "But... I don't have the money or the support system for me and my baby so... when I met Jungwon... I thought he could be that person to support me."

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