17 - She's Beautiful

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- Jungwon PoV -

Then there was two... once again.

I didn't expect Jay's harsh words towards me. He has never treated me like this. It's quite... odd... His cold expression and his distant demeanor was new to me.

"What happened?" Sora mumbles out removing her nebulizer.

I smile seeing her eyes open again. Her beautiful eyes.

"We have to go," I tell her softly.

Though I know it's risky, but our only chance to leave this place could be happening in nearly minutes. If we don't go to the rooftop, who knows what could happen to us.

"I'm strong enough to carry you, I promise," I assure her.

She shakes her head as she moves off my lap, "No." I knew she would say that.

"If something happens to me," She takes a pause. "Go on."


"My pride won't allow a man to keep taking care of me like this," she cuts me off. "Especially a man like you."

"What is that supposed to me?" I ask her.

"A man..." she looks at me. "that I like."

I stare at her, unsure if I understand the words that just left her mouth. It's almost impossible for me to register it because ever since I met her I was convinced that she hated my entire existence.

There were times were I noticed the softness inside her, but mostly, she has made it known she would rather be with someone else.

She quickly looks away from me. "I just wanted to tell you before I die," she says before standing up.

She said it so nonchalantly as if it was destined to happen and she already prepared herself for it.

"Ya," I grab her hand standing up also. "As long as I'm alive, I won't let anything happen to you."

I put my arms through her backpack and give her the biggest smile.

I'm here to stop her from thinking that way. That death is out of reach.

Yes, we may not be promised tomorrow, but why live life thinking death is just a breath away?

"Lets go," I intertwine our hands together and walk towards the door.

"Oh!" I pause before sliding the door open. I turn my head to look at her, "I like you too."

- Sora PoV -

Maybe my mind is still fuzzy from nearly dying, but... did I hear that correctly? Jungwon... likes me?

As we walk down the hallway, tip-toeing and avoiding zombies, my mind is trying to wrap around the thought of Jungwon seeing me as a woman. From what I gathered from him, I thought I was just in the friend zone.

Not to mention when I literally asked him if he liked me, he quite straightforwardly said no. And not too long ago (YESTERDAY), Dabin confirmed he in-fact did NOT like me.

24 hours go by and a near death experience later, he confesses that he likes me.

With that cute and irresistible smile that I instantly melt over for.

Me and Jungwon make our way to the staircase that leads up to the rooftop. We were only a hallway away from it, and when we peak around the corner, we see Jay and the rest of our classmates walking towards it also.

Though it was a blur, I remember when Jay came into the classroom just a bit ago.

From the times I've interacted with him, he seemed nice. Yes, he has an intimidating aura, but he was always smiley especially when Jungwon was around.

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