21 - Almost Paradise

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Dear my lovely readers,

I owe you all a huge apology.

I have not updated my work in over a year and truly feel sorry to all the readers that I have let down.

During my time writing this story, I went through a period of unhappiness and felt my life was not going well. I tried to continue writing as much as I could, but the block that happened in my everyday life led me to become lazy with my writing.

As time passed, life became well, but I had yet to come back to this book.

These last two chapters were written last year, thus may not be the ending you may all have anticipated. However, I do not want to keep you all waiting anymore.

I once again apologize, and I hope to comeback with another book in the near future. Hopefully one that will satisfy you beautiful readers.

Thank you all for your amazing support, and I hope to see in you again.

Until next time,


- 3rd Person PoV -

Sora gathers all of her strength to run up to Sunoo, but he instantly pushes her away.

She stumbles back feeling helpless. The heavy-weight feeling spreads all over body including her heart to see Sunoo this way. 

This was never how she imagined their lives would turn out to be...

"Go!" He shouts at her as Dabin's teeth is still on his neck.

At this moment, Sora's nebulizer is off her mouth, her vision is blurry and her chest feels tight. Even when she feels as though her life is ending, how can she leave her only brother?

"I can't leave you," she cries.

Through the excruciating pain, he smiles at her, "I'll be fine... I promise."

She sobs seeing the endless amount of blood leave his body. How can he say that when he looks like that?

Throughout these past 10 years, she has only seen a fake bright smile on her brothers face... how can this smile, after all these years, feel so heartbreaking yet comforting?

"Sora... do it for your brother," he strains out still presenting an adorable eye smile.

This is my repayment to you... my little sister

Hesitant, she ends up running away towards their final destination. 

The streets seem like a maze. She's still new to Seoul. There's no way she could find the store on her own. She's going solely based on luck at this point.

To Sora, everything looks hazy, almost dream-like. Her mind is all fuzzy and she's not sure if she's even moving (she is, but very slowly).

She approaches the street where the convenience store is located, but notices it swarming with zombies.


She's not that lucky

She decides to go around and run through another street. But one thing she doesn't notice is the gun shots being disarmed by the near-by military...

About to faint, she falls to ground coughing as she holds on to her chest.

She stares at the nebulizer that's in her hand, but she can't even find the strength to put it on her mouth.

"Sora!" Runs up Jungwon.

Finally catching up, he runs to Sora's aid.

He falls to his knees catching Sora's head before it had the chance to meet the ground.

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