12 - Casper, the friendly ghost

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- Sora PoV -

"It's too dark to try and leave again," Jungwon says to the group as we're all seated down facing him as he stands. 

The class president. The leader. The captain. He knows what to say and do at all times, and even if I try to hate it, I don't. What happened in that little storage room just a moment ago irked me so much because I loved every second of it.

I wanted to stay in that storage room longer. Talking and just staring into his eyes. I've always found it hard to make eye contact, but with him, I can stare all day long. 

It makes me feel all giddy inside knowing that I'm the only person who knows his secret. Or am I?

I glance over at Harin who's gazing at Jungwon with love and adoration. What if she knows his secret too? They dated before, so why wouldn't she?

"So are you saying we have to sleep here?" Whines Jia.

"If you want to sleep outside with the zombies, be our guest," Jay says nodding over to the door.

"There's no blankets, pillows, nothing!" She continues to sound like a spoiled brat.

"Not to mention the bathroom situation," Taeho adds in.

"I also keep up with a skin care routine," Sunoo chimes in.

"I can not get a pimple! The prom is coming up!" Harin then says standing up furious on the fact of sleeping in this mere classroom.

I also wish to not sleep here with all these people. They might kill me in my sleep.

Everyone starts to ramble on together creating an enormous amount of noise making the zombies act up again.

"Silence!" Jay yells making everyone get quiet. "Jeez, you guys are worrying about that when your lives are at stake?"

"You guys sound obnoxious," comments Niki.

"We'll use the storage room as our bathroom," Jungwon says. "There's some buckets and towels in there we can use."

"As for the sleep situation," he continues. "We'll just have to suck it up until morning."

"Oppa, if I get cold, can I snuggle with you?" Jia twirls a piece of her hair as she smiles at him.

Jungwon smirks, "Only if you get cold."

I scoff. Possibly too loud. Or maybe very loud, because everyone looks my way. I didn't mean for it to come out so loudly, I just thought what Jungwon said was absolutely disgusting and annoying.

For him to say he's just being nice when he's obviously flirting. Ugh!

Jungwon softly laughs, smirking at me. He knows what he just did.

"Is there a problem?" Jia glares at me.

"Shall we get ready to sleep?" Jungwon claps his hands together trying to change the subject as per usual.

We all take turns using the restroom, and we all get comfortable finding a few places to sleep. Everyone stays in the middle of the classroom since one side of the windows are where the zombies are at, and the other side of the windows are too cold.

Seeun and Eunwoo lay next to each other and so does Taeho and Yohan. Jia, Dabin, and Harin choose to stay close to each other while Niki, Jake, and Jay does the same.

Sunoo keeps to himself even though I kind of thought (maybe hoped) that he would come to me for warmth also. I guess not...

The only person left is...

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