13 - Virgin

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- 3rd Person PoV -

Once Jungwon leaves unexpectedly, he leaves everyone else in a panic. The person that they put all their trust in has left for a girl who chose to be alone. Most of them like Jia, Taeho, Harin and so on are confused as to why he ran after her.

That leaves Dabin's previous suspicions to resurface, because if Jungwon didn't like her, he would have stayed, right?

But Jungwon would do the same for her, right? He's the type of person to save everyone and to not leave anyone behind.

It's his personality, it's who he is. But this past day has shown a different side of Jungwon that even he himself hasn't even noticed.

For him to be running after a girl who would seems to rather die alone is such a weird and rare sight. At this point, it's more confusing than the zombies.

"We have to go after him, "Jay says. "He could die."

"I agree," Jia almost instantly says. 

"He's our class president so we have to," Taeho adds in.

"Hold up a second," Sunoo suddenly intervenes. "Everyone is suddenly okay to go after a guy who chose to leave, but the second my sister comes into the picture, you guys don't waste a breath to leave her behind?"

"Sister?" Harin questions. 

"That loser. They're siblings," Taeho murmurs.

"I honestly wouldn't have guessed either," Niki comments. "This whole time it seems as though you were a complete stranger to her."

"That chick is nothing compared to Jungwon," Jia huffs. "Why waste a breath on her?"

Sunoo scoffs, "That's what the love of your life is doing."

Jia falls silent.

"He's out there risking his life for a girl you all don't even think twice about. He left us all behind for her," Sunoo says. "I wouldn't call her the loser."

Jia scoffs. She couldn't believe her ears that someone would claim that Jungwon could be possibly heads over heels over someone who's not the prettiest in any aspect, well... in her terms.

"She's not Jungwon's type," Jia shakes her head crossing her arms.

Sunoo nearly laughs, "As if you know? He said himself he doesn't have one."

"And what?" She uncrosses her arms looking at Sunoo. "You think that chick could possibly fit into his type? Please!"

"Can you get your head out of your ass and focus on what's really important?!" Jay snaps. 

He looks around at everyone, "Do you all not realize how life threatening our situation is?"

Everyone is quiet.

"Follow me or not..." he says. "But I'm finding Jungwon."

Without another word, Jay leaves running into the crowd of zombies leaving the rest hesitant on what to do next. Now both of the people that led them are gone.

Niki and Jake locks arms together, giving each other a nod before heading out into the war zone too... following their best friends.

Soon, everyone was out of the room.

Meanwhile, Sora finds herself in an empty room. In the room are desks that seemed to be thrown around where students were possibly trying to protect themselves.

She looks over to some empty windows and some windows that seemed to be crashed into. Her guess... the students could only protect themselves to a certain point.

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