Chapter Six: Aftermath

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Callie was in the school bathroom with Minnie, Faran, and Noa.

"Where are Tabby and Imogen?" Minnie asked.

"I didn't ask them to come," Noa admitted as Callie raised her brow at her.

"How come?" Callie asked.

Noa turned to look at the door nervously as she turned back to the girls.

"Look," Noa said. "At the disciplinary hearing, I think we should say the video was all Imogen and Tabby. "

Minnie, Callie, and Faran all exchanged looks.

"You mean throw them under the bus?" Faran asked.

"And why would we do that?" Callie asked."We all agreed on this, and now you just want to betray them and let them take the fall for this."

"We didn't do anything," Noa said as Callie furrowed her brows at the girl.

"We went along with it," Minnie said. "And we handed out flyers, and invited people."

"Imogen had Tyler's phone," Noa said as Callie sighed. "Tabby organized a screening. That makes them a lot more culpable. We're all headed for an iceberg. But… we can dodge it."

"By turning on our friends," Minnie said.

"Yeah, but," Faran started. "Are they our friends?"

"What's the problem, Honrada?" Noa asked.

"No," Callie said. "What's your problem, Noa? You think this is our ticket out, by turning on Imogen and Tabby. You're just more worried about yourself and that ankle monitor that will stay on you longer than you had hoped. You don't turn your back on friends, even when they do."

"Aren't you having personal problems at home, Santon?" Noa asked as Callie went silent. "You can't tell me that this will make your problems more complicated."

"And you can't tell me that you're not acting like a selfish bitch," Callie counters. "Because you're acting like the same person we all dislike, Karen. Because when it comes to saving herself or others she would rather let her friends burn first before she gets a chance being thrown in the fire."

And that was enough to shut Noa up, as it was silent between the four girls as Callie silently eyed Noa.

"Maybe," Minnie started. "A is testing us."

"What are you talking about?" Faran said.

"What if he'd just watching us right now," Minnie said. "Seeing what we do if we turn on each other."

"Sis," Faran said as she put her hand on Minnie's shoulder. "You need your devices back, you're starting to get paranoid."

"She's right," Callie said. "If we all talk, who's to say we're A's next victim?"

"Callie, not you too," Faran said. "You can't let this masked freak get to either of you."

"Yeah," Noa agreed. "And I'm a lot more fucking scared of Sheriff Beasley than I am of A right now. This is my last strike. You guys… if I go down, that's it for me."

"And it was Imogen's idea," Faran pointed out. "And Tabby does work at the movie theater."

"That's all we have to say," Noa said as she looked at Minnie and Callie. "That they knew exactly what they were doing, and… we didn't."

Callie looked at Minnie who was silent as she looked at Faran and Noa conflicted.

Callie sighed dramatically.

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