Chapter Eighteen: Final Girls

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After receiving a text from Faran, Callie met up with the girls, as they all sat at a table.

"Oh my god," Minnie said.

"Holy shit," Noa said.

"So, Sheriff Beasley raped Angela?" Callie asked.

Faran nodded.

"I also learned something about Sheriff Beasley," Imogen told them. "That he and my mom dated in high school. Also...someone dug up my mom's body."

"Who would do that?" Minnie asked.

"My guess?" Imogen asked. "Maybe Sheriff Beasley."

"Wait, your mom and Sheriff Beasley?" Tabby asked.

"Do you guys think Sheriff Beasley could be A?" Imogen asked. "Maybe he killed my mom to keep her quiet because she knew what he did to Angela."

"Personally I don't think it's Sheriff Beasley," Callie told them. Everyone looked at her expectantly. "I mean some of the shit doesn't add up. Why torture us because of what he did to Angela? I mean all our moms kept quiet about the situation and never said a damn thing." Callie looked at Imogen. "And your mom and Sheriff Beasley's past was just that, in the past. Why would he kill her? Did they even have contact with each other before she died?"

"Callie has a good point," Faran said. "But I definitely think he should remain a suspect."

"I thought A was the train car guy," Noa said.

"Imogen, if your mom and Sherri Beasley were together and he attacked Angela, that's our connection," Tabby told her. "Even if he's not A."

"Yeah, our moms had to have known," Minnie said.

"Why didn't they say anything?" Faran asked.

"That is the question," Imogen said.

"We need to try again," Noa said. "But split them up so they don't see it coming."

"Truth time," Imogen said.

"Take two?" Tabby said.

Callie sighed as she rubbed her head.



Callie said next to her mother, facing her, as she spoke. "So you knew Sheriff Beasley and Imogen's mom were together."

"Yes," Audrey answered. "Why are you asking this?"

"I thought we agreed to be more honest with each other," Callie told her.

"We did," Audrey said. "I didn't think that mentioning she had a boyfriend would be that important."

"It is important if Sheriff Beasley was the one who raped Angela," Callie told her. "You know the poor girl you and your friends bullied. Just when I thought things could go back to normal, another part of your life is revealed to me."

"Look, Angela told Sydney who told the rest of us that Tom raped her," Audrey told her. "But none of us wanted to believe that."

"None of you?" Callie asked. "Or did Imogen's mom make you think that Angela was lying?" Audrey stayed silent. "Mom I'm trying to understand you and what your friends did in the past, but you're really not helping yourself."

"What difference would it make if I say anything more?" Audrey asked. "You're already disappointed in me and my past actions, soon you'll start to hate me like you hate your father."

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