Chapter Fourteen: Bad Blood

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Callie and the girls head straight into the bathroom as they all were anxious.

"I knew it," Tabby said. "I fucking knew it."

"Check the stalls," Faran told everyone.

Callie checked each stall as she saw no one side.

"It's just us," Noa said.

Putting her hands to her head, she breathes heavily.

"A killed Tyler," Tabby said. "A killed Tyler."

"Okay," Minnie said. " Now can we please go to the police?"

"No!" Both Imogen and Tabby simultaneously said.

"A warned us not to say anything," Faran stated. "Fine, but can't we just send that pic of dead Tyler to the Sheriff anonymously?"

"A texted it to us," Tabby said. "You don't think he'll know how the cops got it?"

"Well, what the fuck can we do?" Callie asked.

"We take deep breaths," Imogen said. "And don't freak out."

"A's killed two people, probably more," Minnie said.

"Horrible people," Faran said as everyone looked at her. " Just saying."

"To paraphrase 'Heathers,'" Tabby said. "Our teen angst now has a body count."

"Okay, what do we know so far?" Callie asked.

"A is tied to Angela Waters," Imogen said. "We figure out what happened to her, we figure out who A is and how to stop him. Back to the basics. The sixth signature from the Radley, who does that belong to?"

"You think it might be A," Minnie said.

"It's a definite possibility," Imogen said. "And then there's Angela's mother, Rose. She's out there somewhere."

"And then there was the assault that happened to Angel," Tabby added. Tabby and Imogen shared a look. "You guys...Imogen and I need to tell you about something else, that happened to us, that may or may not be related to A."

"But can we maybe take this outside?" Imogen asked


The girls sat on the bleachers near the football field, as Minnie, Faran, Noa, and Callie had mixed emotions after what Tabby and Imogen told them.

"Imogen, Tabby," Callie said as she looked at the two girls sympathetically. "I am so, so sorry that happened to you."

Callie looked at Imogen guilty as she thinks back to what she said to Imogen during Spirit Week.

"We all are," Noa said. "And we got you."

"Whatever you need," Minnie said.

"It happened to both of us after parties," Imogen told them. "Jock-centric parties."

"You think it was one of the football players?" Noa asked.

"Maybe," Tabby said.

"Is that how you got pregnant?" Minnie asked as Imogen nods.

Imogen and Callie made eye contact as Callie looked away, feeling numb as she looks off into the woods with a distant look.

"We don't know if this something that connects us to Angela," Imogen said. "But Tabby has a plan. To catch whoever did this to us, to stop him from doing it again."

"Nurse Simmons is having a blood drive, next Wednesday," Tabby told them. "If we can collect blood samples from the boys in school, we can compare it to DNA from Imogen's baby."

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