Chapter Eight: The Fe(male) Gaze

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Pinball Pizza

Callie and her mother sat in a booth as they were waiting for her pizza.

Callie was on her phone, texting. While Audrey was also on her phone, she, too, was doing her own thing.

It was awkward between the duo, as Audrey was still tense from the talk she had with Callie.

While Callie was trying to forget the conversation.


Callie looked her mother straight in the eye. "What do you know about Angela Waters?"

"W-where did you hear that name?" Audrey asked her daughter as Callie stayed silent. "Calliope, where did you hear that name?"

"Does it matter where?" Callie asked as she took her hands away from her mother's. "It's a simple question. Why can't you answer it?"

"Angela Waters was a girl who got chosen to be in our group," Audrey said as Callie raised her eyebrows at her mother. "You know those movies, where there's popular kids, the loners, the jocks, the goths, and the mean girls?"

"You mean the movie Mean Girls?" Callie asked as Audrey thought before nodding her head.

"Yes," Audrey said. "That's the perfect example of what I'm telling you. Well, when it came to Davie and our group of friends, I guess you can say we were the mean girls." Callie frowned at her mother. "Davie brought Angela in, though I thought it was a bad idea, considering that Angela shouldn't have gotten involved with Davie or us. Davie, the girls, and even I once treated her terribly, and I regretted it. I was influenced by Davie, no pressure to go along with whatever she said for a very long time." Callie just stared at her mother, wanting her to continue. "I warned Angela that she should just leave the group, considering how much trouble we caused her, we were terrible, Angela leaving the group would have been good for her."

"Can you please get to the point, mother?" Callie asked, annoyed. "I'm not getting any younger."

"Right," Audrey sighs nervously. "Angela was a sweet girl, who we all in a way corrupted, and some of us not by choice abandoned her in bad times. Leaving her to pick up the mess that we caused." Audrey looked at Callie with a guilty expression. "Now I wasn't a Saint, at first I distanced myself from Angela, I didn't want to like her, Davie chose her for a reason." Audrey sighs as she rubs her temples. "Davie never really cared for anyone outside the group."

"Mom," Callie said as she snapped her fingers in front of Audrey's face. "We're here to talk about how you know Angela, not how Imogen's mom used to be a mean girl. Now continue."

"I then started to befriend Angela," Audrey said. "Even though we came from different social statuses, we had a lot more in common than you might think. But whenever Angela and I went, Davie would follow, as she would keep an eye on Angela and me. And would sometimes want me to ditch Angela for no reason whatsoever."  Callie frowned even more at the mention of Imogen's mom. "It's like Davie had control over the girls and I, though I would never let get the best of me all the time. After all, I am my own person, and I shouldn't always have to listen to someone boss me around or control me like a puppet."

"And we're done here," Callie said as she stood up from the couch. "You're not telling me the whole truth, and I don't know why."

"Calliope," Audrey said as she too stood up from the couch. "It's better to leave the past in the past, or else you are condemned to repeat it."

"Well sometimes the past just catches up to you," Callie retorts. "And you or someone you love will be paying the price for your past mistakes."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Audrey asked as Callie looked away. "Calliope "

"Forget it, I don't even know why I asked you." Callie said as she walked to the stairs. "Good night."


The pizza arrived at their table as Callie took a slice and put it on her plate.

"Calliope," Audrey said. "We need to talk about this."

"There is nothing to talk about mom," Callie said. "If you don't want to talk about the past, that's fine with me."

Callie took a bite of her pizza, as Audrey looked at her daughter with a frown present on her face.




It was lunchtime at Millwood High, Callie sat with girls minus Noa, as she listened to Imogen speak.

"I found my mom's diaries," Imogen said."All of them."

"What do they say?" Minnie asked.

"It's what they don't say,"  Imogen said as lay out the diary in front of everyone. "This one's from our mom's senior year." Minnie look through the pages of the diary. "The entries slow down to a trickle, then stop, but before that."

"Some of the pages are torn out," Minnie stated.

"Exactly," Imogen said. "Why would a girl rip out the pages of her own diary? I mean, the whole point is that it's private, right?"

"Unless there was something so bad she wanted to rip it out of existence," Tabby said. "Even for herself."

"And what, you think she destroyed the pages?" Faran asked.

"Or they're hidden," Callie stated. "Maybe somewhere in your house." Noa walked up to the group with a distraught look on her face. "Wow, you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Jesus," Faran said as she agreed with Callie. "What happened to you?"

"Did you get your ankle monitor off?" Minnie asked.

"I did this morning," Noa said as she sat down. "Guys, A's back." Callie's mouth slightly dropped open. "And he came after me in person to my building."

"Why you?" Callied asked.

"According to the text he sent," Noa said. "Because of something my mom did to Angela Waters."

"You have gotta be kidding me," Callie said as she and the girls exchanged looks.

A/N: hello everyone, I know this chapter is short. But I hope you all like it. Comment and lemme know what you guys think and what are you excited most about the show.

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