Chapter Seven: The Fe(male) Gaze

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Callie sat in the library with other girls, sorting through tons of books, as she was serving detention.

Imogen's phone rang as she got up and left to take it.

Callie sighed as she looked through the books bored, as she was wishing detention would be over.


Callie and the girls sat outside the quad, as she was done detention.

"Thank God that's over," Faran said.

"No shit," Noa said. "Two weeks of detention is nothing after juvie, but… still."

"It was lucky," Tabby said. "We were lucky."

"You got that right," Callie agreed. "My mom was jumping for joy when she found out they decided to give detention instead of suspension."

"So," Minnie said. "What happens now?"

"What do you mean?" Faran asked. "I go back to 'Swan Lake'."

"And I go back to training," Noa said. "Counting the minutes till my ankle monitor comes off."

"And I go back to doing my usual thing," Callie answered, as she saw everyone's curious gaze. "Archery."

"You do archery?" Faran asked.

"And I'm damn good at it," Callie said. "I can it the target like no problem what's so ever."

"Are you asking about," Imogen started as she looked around. "A, Mouse?"

"It's been two weeks and no more psychotic texts," Tabby said. "Maybe he's moved on?"

"Not to burst your bubbles," Callie said. "But I highly doubt that. Just you wait, he stops for a few weeks, before he starts back up the torture."

All the girls looked at Callie in concern, though also worry what she said might have been true

"What about," Minnie said. "Our moms? Are we never gonna tell them what happened to Karen? Or to us?"

"Not until we know more about what really went down with Angela Waters," Imogen answered. "It's… weird. I've been putting out calls, but no one wants to talk about her. It's like she's a ghost or an urban legend."

"And you still think Angela Waters is somehow connected to A?" Callie asked.

"All of our moms knew her," Imogen said. "And we're their daughters. There must be a reason A is targeting us."

"And the mystery continues," Faran said. "Good luck with that."

Faran got up from her as Imogen turned to Callie.

"Callie," Imogen said as Callie looked at her. "Do you think you could ask your mom about Angela?" Callie's face changed at the mention of the girl. "Please? I mean you and you are close, to the point you guys know everything about each other." Callie gave her a pointed look. "Well not everything, but I'm sure she'll be willing to share a little bit with you."

Callie sighed after seeing the pleading look her best friend was giving her.

"I guess I could try and ask when she comes back from her trip," Callie said as Imogen smiled. "Which is tomorrow, but don't count her being honest with me, she's a terrible liar when it comes to me so I can easily call her out on her bull, not that I do though."

"Thank you," Imogen said as Callie shrugged.

"Crap, I have to go back," Tabby said as a few football players walked by. "I gotta get something from the A/V room. You guys go ahead, it might take me a minute."

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