Chapter 1

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Do you know how hard it is to be a good-looking volleyball player? Katsuki does, and he fucking hates it.

"Yes, I am, move on to the next question for fuck's sake." Katsuki sighs as he answers the same question for what seemed to be the millionth time. 

He hated this. Forced to answer questions in an interview with sweat soaking through his shirt and making him uncomfortable. Yuck.

Katsuki was the captain of a small volleyball team in their town. All his team members were graduates of the U.A., who used to play for the school.

The town conducted regular sports matches and Katsuki's team was always welcomed.

They weren't famous, nor were they celebrities, but the townspeople sure had bets on them. And actually, enjoyed watching their matches.

They usually get interviewed by small news channels, which are usually centred around their town. But most interviews were published on websites instead, as a written document. 

Even then, it's not like Katsuki liked the attention they received. They were all hideous.

From dating scandals (it makes them feel like celebrities, leave them alone) to team betrayal issues, nearly all the members are involved.

But if you ask any of them about their worst experiences with media, it would be after a lost match.

Like right now, a reporter had questioned Katsuki about how he felt after a badly played game. And mind you, Katsuki felt like a ticking time bomb now. 

They were all tired and weren't in their best mood, but still, they had to take up the interview, and answer stupid questions without even having time to change their jerseys!

As the reporter continues, Katsuki slowly starts zoning out, his mind drifting away to his dinner, if only he was already on his couch, watching some documentary (preferably related to archaeology) with hot food, just having the time of his life.

Kirishima, his co-player notices his disinterest and starts answering the questions instead, diverting the attention to him.

"Um, I have a question too. After analysing your performance during this match, do you think you have anything to work for? Your strategies or practice frequency? Do you think you know where the team lacked?" A reporter questions, the only person who made sense in the entire room.

Katsuki lazily looks up, trying to find that one sensible person in this entire room who bothered to ask relevant questions.

His eyes land on a boy, probably in his early 20s, in a formal shirt with cute doe eyes and freckles. The boy looked comparatively lean and short.

Katsuki stares at the boy's expressions, and the movement of his hands to emphasise his point as he scribbles down the points Kirishima answers, with his tongue softly peeking out from his lips as he scrunches his eyebrows in an attempt to concentrate. 

Katsuki turns around to the person right next to him, which turned out to be their libero, Kaminari as he whispers, "God, he looks so damn beautiful.", trying to keep the best straight face he could muster.

The room suddenly goes silent as Kaminari smiles back at him with a nod. Katsuki turns back with wide eyes as he stares at the reporter.

"Did you hear that?" He slowly questions, hands immediately flying to cover his face when the reporter nods bashfully.

The entire room chuckles, as Kirishima pats his back in a comforting way, chuckling himself.

Katsuki looks away after that incident, avoiding the reporter's eyes. He does glance now and then, only to find the reporter's face completely red, either staring at his lap, or at his notebook. 

Katsuki couldn't help but wonder how adorable he looked, especially when he blushed softly. His freckles would turn a pink hue.

And sometimes, he would even smile at himself, Katsuki wasn't sure if he did that in response to the teammates' answers, or if he remembered Katsuki's compliment.

He didn't look like he dared to speak up again but then, to Katsuki's surprise, he ends up asking a question, "This question is for Mr Bakugo, first I would like to thank you for the compliment.", the reporter starts with pink-dusted cheeks as he giggles, somehow having gathered the courage.

But Katsuki also realises how helpful it would be to clear out potential scandals. And of course, he does not want to wake up to a dating scandal after a lost match.

Katsuki softly groans as he smiles at the reporter, receiving one back as well. "So, during the last set, do you think your position-"

Katsuki felt a little giddy when he answered Izuku's questions. After every answer, Izuku somehow always seemed to have a follow-up question.

It made sense, honestly, unlike the other reporters who were slowly fed up with Izuku's constant attention-grabbing skills, cause all the members were more enthusiastic to answer his questions.

When another reporter asks Izuku to give others a chance, is when both of them realise how long they were talking. Izuku shyly apologises and sits down, making himself comfortable.

He doesn't ask any other questions, but pays keen attention to the member's answers.

The evening passes like that, that specific reporter, named Izuku Midoriya, as Katsuki sneaked a glance at his name tag before leaving, seemed to know quite a few about how volleyball works.

He understood their techniques and tactics, and he was quite observant as well, as Katsuki noticed.

He had data about every single set they played that tournament, even Katsuki doesn't remember the number of matches he played.

Katsuki returns to the locker rooms still thinking about Izuku. The boy looked super adorable, and Katsuki probably embarrassed him today.

"Oh that was Midoriya Izuku, from News 24, wasn't it?" Katsuki hears someone talk, probably gossiping about him but.. did he say News 24?

As soon as Katsuki gets home, he plops down on the sofa, bouncing on it for a little and taking a deep breath.

He usually gets a video file of their performance for him to examine and change the training accordingly, but it had time. Besides, they didn't have practice the next day.

Instead of his daily routine of documentaries, Katsuki finds himself looking for the News 24 channel.

If you ask him why he did that, he doesn't know. He genuinely has no excuse, he just felt like watching Izuku. 

Katsuki finds the channel and immediately starts looking for Izuku, he unfortunately, doesn't find him.

The town seemed to have moved on from the lost match quickly, as some other random news was blowing up. But the entire night, Katsuki couldn't help but wonder, why was he suddenly so invested in a reporter.

And why does he seem so familiar?

Author's note:

Hey! Welcome to another story, another adventure! This book will henceforth be regularly updated, however, I cannot promise a stable update schedule now.

I hope you guys enjoy this book, please don't forget to vote and share your opinions on the story. They are my only source of motivation to continue this book, thank you. 

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