Chapter 2

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Katsuki absolutely knew him. Though his name didn't sound familiar, Katsuki knew his face. The doe eyes, freckles, and scarred hands, all match a bit too well, but he doesn't seem to recognize him.

He immediately starts racking his mind to remember. Was it a guy from school? Perhaps a senior or junior? Katsuki couldn't think about anything, he barely made friends outside of volleyball.

Besides, even then, he didn't bother to learn half his teammates' names. Which is why he comes up with the most ridiculous names for them. 

"This is just in." A voice booms through the TV, nearly knocking Katsuki off the couch. Katsuki lets out an exasperated groan, fumbling for the TV remote to switch it off.

He had lost all hopes of seeing Izuku again by then. Besides, it was way past 11 p.m. by then, maybe Izuku finished his shift already.

He did the next best thing he could think of. Find his social media accounts.

Izuku's Twitter was solely based on volleyball. That was a little creepy, did the kid have no job but to watch volleyball? How did he even find so much time?

There were a few amazing pictures as well, like magazine cover-worthy ones. Katsuki idly wondered if Izuku was into photography. Especially when Katsuki was a photography major as well.

Though he barely attended classes due to constant sports-related activities. But even then, Katsuki always had a natural talent. 

Izuku's Twitter bio is linked to another website. By the name, Katsuki could only guess it was a blog. And just by the name, Katsuki could say it was a volleyball blog. 

Oh, boy was he right. But the best part? Most articles were solely based on Katsuki.

If you were in his living room right then, you could've physically watched his ego skyrocket. And mind you, it was already a bit too high. 

Katsuki could feel a smirk tugging at his lips as he scrolls down further. Fuck previous match recordings, these articles could help his team reach the fucking nationals. It was so damn detailed!

Izuku had articles solely dedicated to the team's postures and tactics on matches, on how they were moving on their strategies and how they had improved since the last match.

Katsuki was surprised someone noticed minute details like that, he was more worried these articles may reach the opponent team but thank goodness, he liked to change strategies every match according to the opponents' strengths.

There was an article, completely based on Katsuki and his posture. It explained his strength and his way of motion and how it helps him give out more force on the ball, it seemed like a tutorial to Katsuki and the point was, he didn't know that was the reason!

Izuku's Twitter account hardly had anything else but volleyball, so Katsuki ended up going to Instagram. Thankfully, his Instagram was also linked right underneath his bio in the blog.

Oh god, this was turning too much into a stalking event. 

But Katsuki promises, he wasn't intending to do anything bad. He was just curious! 

Izuku's Instagram was open to the public and it was much more of Izuku himself than volleyball, there were pictures of his friends, him being weird and having fun, and a vacation with his mother, who surprisingly looked just like him.

The one picture that Katsuki loved the most was from about 4 months ago of Izuku holding a small keychain of Katsuki (probably hand-made) with the caption saying, 'found this cutie at the marketplace (〃∇〃)'

So adorable.

No wonder Izuku was a huge fan of his, like, the boy knows everything about him! Katsuki wonders how he didn't throw himself at him when they first met.

And to make matters worse, Katsuki sort of embarrassed both of them at the press meet.

"Wait fuck no- that is not him." Katsuki hears himself murmuring in the middle of the night, staring at a picture.

"That looks so similar to Todoroki, it can't be him." Katsuki wonders he clicks on the description to find Todoroki tagged in it.

"I mean who else would have such a hideous and shitty hair colour." He mumbles, fishing out his phone to text him. He hadn't texted Todoroki in years. And he doesn't even know why he's about to do this now either. It's just honestly super weird to him, but he couldn't help it.

Unlike his previous partners, Katsuki didn't seem to be interested in getting into Izuku's pants, he wanted to know the boy more, especially about his obsession towards volleyball and his crazy observation skills.

Katsuki did feel very captivated by Izuku's stunning visuals, but he also thought the boy was interesting, especially with his smooth ways of interviewing and steering the topic away.

And just maybe... he wanted to get to know him, as a friend, of course.


To Katsuki's surprise, the reply comes back in minutes, right after he drops his dinner plate in the sink, figuring he could wash it later.

Shoto (not) Todoroki:
I'm not giving you Midoriya's number.

I never fucking asked for it.

Shoto (not) Todoroki:
It was obvious you wanted to.

Was not.

Shoto (not) Todoroki:
[Image attachment]

Katsuki curses as he stares at the image Todoroki sent. It was from the press conference. More specifically, when Katsuki was face-palming as he blushed. Katsuki curses as he furiously types back.

Ugh fuck you, I'll get it myself.

Shoto (not) Todoroki:
Good luck!
[GIF attachment]

The audacity Shoto had was immaculate. He sent a fucking GIF of a Pomeranian, wishing good luck. Katsuki wanted to blast him to space then.

But he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

He and Todoroki haven't met in a couple of years, nor have they texted in months (the last time being Katsuki begrudgingly sending a 'happy birthday' to him), but they seem to easily fall into their usual conversations.

Well, for now, all Katsuki could do was focus on their upcoming matches. They already lost one, so they would be having a 'losers' round' the coming weekend.

If they win, they can participate in the next round and Katsuki can find a way to crush Monoma's skull. 

And probably get interviewed by Izuku again. 

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