Chapter 6

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"You... You use that, Bakugo?" Izuku gulps, watching with wide eyes.

"First name, Izuku."

"Ah yes, sorry. You use that, Katsuki?" Izuku corrects himself, hesitating when Katsuki offers a helmet.

"Yup got this new baby a few days back. I think it would be lovely if we drove in this." Katsuki smugly answers, his smirk blooming wider as Izuku shuffles nervously. "Hold on tight," Katsuki whispers, accelerating to the max.

Izuku hesitantly holds Katsuki's shoulders, his hands barely touching Katsuki, making his head scream in a gay panic already.

Katsuki purposefully starts with a jerk, making Izuku shriek and hold onto Katsuki's waist tightly.

"Katsuki- hey! Slow down!" Izuku screams over the air whooshing past them.

"We'll be fine, don't worry," Katsuki yells over. He wasn't going past the safe speed, but he wasn't exactly slow for a person who was riding a bike with him for the first time.

"Ah- Katsuki!" Izuku screams, clinging onto Katsuki's shirt, closing his eyes tightly when Katsuki speeds up. Katsuki swerves through a turn, with a huge smile when Izuku shrieks and gasps so loud the people in the car next to them must've heard it too.

Izuku felt like he was riding in one of those bikes he had only seen in TV shows before. The ones where they swerve at such a speed that their knee nearly touched the ground? Like that, Izuku could swear his knee scraped lightly against the road.

Izuku holds on to the Katsuki super tight the entire ride, squeaking at times making Katsuki laugh. Katsuki couldn't help but think how adorable Izuku was. So cute.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Izuku complains as they walk into a cafe. Katsuki was wearing a cap, just to hide his hair and not grab any attention. It's not like he's that famous, but just in case.

Izuku couldn't help but feel giddy walking with his favourite volleyball player. He never even thought they could have a conversation before and here he is now, on a date with him.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad! Besides it sure was a hell of a ride." Katsuki smugly answers, already picking a table for them, a little away from the crowd. It was morning, so only students were filled in the cafe, with their books or laptops.

Yet, Katsuki didn't dare remove his cap.

They sit in silence for some time, just Katsuki staring at Izuku. "Well, Izuku. Show me the pictures."

"Oh! Right, uh- it's kind of embarrassing and probably even creepy, but don't judge, okay?" Izuku confirms with Katsuki before sliding his camera towards Katsuki.

Both of them were seated at a cosy café, just a little far from where Katsuki practised. Izuku sat opposite Katsuki, both of them near the glass window.

Oh god, Katsuki loved those pictures.

A few of them had slight shakes because of Katsuki's fast movements, but most of them were so perfect, Katsuki had no idea he was this hot while playing.

His favourite picture was when he was about to spike, in mid-air. He looked so sharp and dominating as if he ruled the court. Fuck, it reminds him of Kageyama.

Izuku was so skilled at photography. Katsuki couldn't believe his eyes.

"I- I thought you were a reporter, how are so damn good at photography?" Katsuki finds himself asking in a trance.

"Oh- there's nothing like that!" Izuku waves his hands around with a smile. "I just like photography, it's a passion and taking pictures for my blog is a good thing, you know."

Katsuki smiles softly, not prying further because he noticed how overwhelmed Izuku felt, constantly fiddling with his hands, looking distracted as ever.

"Wow, Izuku. You're so interesting, I mean, I didn't expect this from you." Katsuki says, turning around the camera to show him his favourite picture.

"It's not a big deal! Seriously Katsuki, I'm not even that good. I just like it, is all. But I must say, I think the pictures look so beautiful because of the model rather than the photographer." Izuku says back with a slight blush.

Katsuki's face turns a soft red as he laughs it off, hiding his face in embarrassment as Izuku laughs with him. Okay, so now Katsuki had to say another pick-up line. He was thinking of ideas when the one he saw on Instagram the other day popped up in his mind.

"Well, Izuku. I may not be a photographer, but I can picture you and I together." Lies. He is a photographer.

"Oh my God Katsuki, please get off the internet," Izuku whines, hiding his face.

"Wha- hey! I found it on Instagram yesterday and I think it's cute, okay? Don't be mean about my flirting skills." Katsuki playfully pouts, smirking when Izuku blushes more.

"I think you flirt just fine without any weird pick-up lines." Izuku later mumbles, shying away when Katsuki stares at him, confused.

"Mhm? You do? You seem to know quite a few about my flirting skills." He asks smugly, laughing out loud when Izuku completely hides his face, dropping it on his arms on the table.

"I mean... You flirt all the time." Izuku shyly admits.

His laughter attracts a little attention. "Just for you though, right?" Katsuki smiles widely, watching Izuku turn beet red.

And in no time, some of them are whispering about something pointing at him rudely.

Now, Katsuki looks even more confused before Izuku points out, "Your hair is sticking out, Katsuki."

Katsuki immediately pulls the cap down even further, hastily stuffing his hair back into the cap as he looks away from others' gazes.

By now, thankfully since there were only students, they just request an autograph.

"You're so cool! And I really like your volleyball skills, and you defend so well!" A girl starts gushing about him, sticking out a white paper for his autograph. Katsuki looks more confused now.

He wasn't a blocker. Katsuki didn't prefer blocking ever since the one time he fractured his first three fingers trying to block.

"He's a spiker. Not a blocker." Izuku intervenes with a glare, shooing the girl away when she tries to muster an excuse. Katsuki stifles a laugh at the girl's reaction.

"God I can't believe this," Izuku starts muttering as soon as Katsuki pulls him out of the cafe towards the bike.

"People are just after your face, Katsuki. And it's disgusting. Like- you're so good at volleyball, have an amazing personality and you're good company, okay? But these people-" Izuku continues.

Katsuki just stares with a fond look, shaking his head no when Izuku asks him if there's anything wrong.

Maybe Katsuki's already too gone.

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