Chapter 51: Indigo

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I walk into the strip club and search around for Kayden Simmons, a well known drug lord that's been pissing grey off, in my desperate need to get out the house and I offered to deal with him.

I make sure to sway my hips and wink at Kayden seductively in my skin tight red dress with a slit up the left side. He smirks at me and watches as I sit down on the barstool a few meters away from him and order a drink.

"Excuse me ma'am?" The bartender asks and I look at him cluelessly even though I'm smiling in my head because this dumb fuck drug lord has walked straight into my trap.

"This drinks from the man over there" he tells me and slides the fruity martini over to me. I look over to 'the man' who is Kayden and I pick up my drink, I stalk over to him and stand in between his legs.

"Fancy a private dance?" I say to him and he nods like a man possessed and follows me through the crowd of middle aged men to the back rooms. We walk through some doors and he immediately tries to touch me but I shove him off and he stumbles back in surprise.

"mio dio, il fatto che tu pensassi che mi sarebbe piaciuto davvero che mi facessi cagare da solo" (my god, the fact you thought i would actually like you has me shitting myself, asshole)
I say to him and he looks at me in confusion that gets replaced with fear as I slide my dagger out its holster on my thigh and slowly walk toward him, backing him up against the wall and pressing the dagger to his neck.

"Why are you doing this?" he asks and I roll my eyes at his feeble attempt to reason with me.

"Why not?" I say and he pushes me with his hands. I stab his arm and punch him in the face, he falls to the floor and i straddle him.

"Think you can beat me?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Oh dear, such a big ego for such a little man" I grab his neck and lift his head up before hitting it against the floor, his eyes widen and he struggles to get up, I hook my legs under his knees so he can't move.

I get my knife to his neck and draw a straight line across it, i grin when his blood seeps out and I get off of him. I make sure he's actually dead and leave the room where Luca is waiting to clean up my mess with a couple of other men from greys mafia.

He nods at me and grins and I smile back, I leave the club out the back and get on greys bike which he doesn't technically know I'm using but oh well. I speed off down the road and head back to the mansion.


Greys pov

I get into bed and stare up at the ceiling, I can't sleep without indigo and she's not here, she's out on a mission I told her not to fucking go on, but when does she ever listen me. Never.

I sigh and close my eyes, willing myself to sleep as roger snores from the end of the bed. Fucking dog.

Im stood watching as indigo walks up to a man and he grabs her by her neck, I want to run to her and get the man away from her but I can't move, I look down and see that I'm chained to a chair. I try and break free but my efforts are no use.

Indigo screams out when the man plunges a dagger into her heart and I cry out in pure agony. This is worse than any physical pain I could ever endure, I watch helplessly as her eyes fill with despair and the life drains from her expression. Before she goes she looks at me and frowns in betrayal.

"Why didn't you help me?" She asks and I shake in anger and desperation as she drops to the floor with a pool of crimson liquid surrounding her.

She's dead.

I shoot up and search around for indigo, I feel around the bed and she's not there. I begin to panic and I look to the door. She's nowhere in the fucking room.

"Blue" I whisper but she doesn't respond.

Where the fuck is she? Is she dead? She's hurt. It's all my fucking fault If she gets hurt.

I suddenly remember that she's on a mission and I calm down a tad, she's usually here If I wake up like this but she's not this time and I feel stupid.

I search around the bed until I find what I'm looking for and I pull it to my chest. I breathe out and sigh, I can't believe I'm cuddling her fucking disgusting stuffy.


Indigos pov

I walk into the bedroom and switch on the lamp next to my bed, i look at grey and my heart can't take what I see.

He's got the covers half off himself and he's hugging my stuffed animal to his bare chest. His brow is slightly creased and I get the urge to run my fingers over the small lines of discomfort and smooth them over. He stirs in his sleep at the light but doesn't wake up.

I head into the bathroom and get changed into sleep shorts and one of greys tops. I take of my mascara and concealer and brush my teeth. I go back into the bedroom and switch off the light next to the bed. I get in the bed next to grey and lay on my back.

A few seconds later grey moves around and ends up on top of me with stuffy still in his iron grip, i try to pry it out his hands but he yanks the toy away and grumbles in annoyance.

"Fuck off" he mumbles and nestles his face into my boobs like a fucking pervert. I shove his head and he whacks my face with my stuffed animal.

The audacity of this bitch-

I flick his eye and he pinches my hip

"Why have you got stuffy?" I ask, curiosity lacing my tone. I know he's awake now so he has to socialize with me.

"Bad dream" he mumbles and something warm flutters in my chest. I hum and close my eyes.

I think that possibly, just very slightly, only one hundred percent maybe.

I've fallen in love with Greyson Benjamin king.



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