Chapter Ten: Music

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"Alright class!" Ms. Min said. "Let's make some music, shall we?"

Ms. Min was Yoongi's cousin and they actually get along pretty well. She's one of the few people they don't hate, including Jeongguk, Hoseok and Taehyung. They share the same interests in music and the arts. Her first name is Ha Na and she majors in music (obviously).

She wasn't so lucky in the music industry and ended up being a teacher contrary to her talent. She doesn't mind but Yoongi knows better. It's kinda upsetting seeing their relative with such potential being thrown away. She thinks that because she didn't end up some big shot idol, her skills on the piano or singing isn't great. Yoongi highly disagrees with her and they've even had an argument about it (it ended in Ha Na crying and Yoongi comforting her).

They only show their caring side to her because she's like a little sister to him, even though she's older. To make this more clear, Ha Na is basically Yoongi's Taehyung, except without the part where they eventually fall in love (spoiler).

"Yes." The class responded and Ms. Min smiled an identical gummy smile.

"Great!" She said and handed out music sheets. "Today we will be practicing on the piano. Everyone will pair up with a partner-" she stopped when she laid her eyes on Taehyung. "Oh! You're Taehyung right?"

Taehyung shyly nodded and the elder smiled. "Well I'm miss Min, I'm friends with your brother Jin." She said and Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Ji-Jinnie?" He asked and she nodded. Taehyung visibly relaxed and smiled at Ha Na.

"Like I was saying," She continued. "Everyone will work with a partner and play a song. This isn't graded though, so don't worry! Just have some fun, okay?"

"Yes." The class responded and immediately turned to their friends.

"I'll pick the partners!" Ms. Min happily said and the class groaned. "Oh, come on! Try working with someone new!" She huffed and looked around the classroom. "Taehyung, would you like to work with anyone specifically?"


"Who?" She asked and Jeongguk raised his hand. "Okay!" She said and turned to the rest of the class. "As for you guys, Min-Jin and Mi Na, Kai and Kyungsoo, Irene and Joy, Ye Seul and A Ra, Dong Woo and Heon Woo. Since we have an odd number, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin will be working together!"

The class sighed but went to their respective keyboard or piano. Once they were all settled in, Ha Na passed around a different music sheet for each group to practice.

"Okay Tae!" Jeongguk said and hopped off his chair. "Let's go then?"

Taehyung nodded happily and joined Jeongguk at the piano. Jeongguk put the sheet on the stand and read it over before hovering his fingers over the keys. He pressed a couple keys to normalize himself with the chorus of the song before turning to Taehyung, who was staring intensely at Jeongguk.

"What's wrong?" He asked and Taehyung's box smile appeared on his mouth.

"Ca-Can I try?" He asked and Jeongguk nodded smiling. Taehyung giggled a bit before turning back to the white and black keys. He pressed random notes and laughed at the sounds they made. Jeongguk just sat there, watching the younger male adoringly and smiling at his cute little giggles.

"Do you wanna play a song Tae?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung nodded rapidly. "Okay." He said and guided Taehyung's fingers across the keys. He had him press down on G then F#. He continued this until you could hear the faint melody of the song 4 o'clock, a popular song that is beautiful and mesmerizing. The tempo of the song wasn't as fast as it was supposed to be, Jeongguk was going slow for Taehyung and teaching him the names of the notes he was playing.

"This is C." He said and pressed the aforementioned note. "And this is A#." He did the same for that note.

"Wh-Where's W?" Taehyung innocently asked and Jeongguk chuckled.

"There is no W." He said and Taehyung pouted.

"Wh-Why?" He asked and Jeongguk shrugged.

"'M not sure." He said. "Maybe the person who built the piano didn't like W."

"Th-That's s-s-sad." Taehyung pouted and Jeongguk ruffled his hair.

"How about this?" Jeongguk said and turned back to the keys. "You can name the keys if you want."

"Re-Really?" Jeongguk nodded. "O-O-Okay!" Taehyung looked at the black and white keys and tapped his chin. "T-Th-This is K!" He said and pressed D#. "A-And th-this is H!" He did the same to G#.

They continued like that, going through the alphabet three times before naming every key. Once Taehyung was finished, he turned to Jeongguk who was watching him with a soft smile on his lips.

For some reason, Taehyung's heart skipped a beat when he saw the sparkle in Jeongguk's eyes. The poor boy didn't know why a faint pink swept across his cheeks. He didn't know why his heart beat picked up it's pace or why he suddenly felt embarrassed.

"-Kay?" He was snapped back to reality when Jeongguk waved his hand in front of Taehyung's face. "Tae, are you okay?" He asked. "Do you have a fever? Your face is red." He said and placed his palm on Taehyung's forehead. "You feel fine."

"I-I-I'm o-o-o-okay!" Taehyung said but Jeongguk still had a worried look on his face.

"You sure?" He asked and Taehyung nodded. "Alright."

"Hey guys!" Ms. Min said as she waltzed over to the two. "How's the song going?"

"Pretty good, I guess." Jeongguk said.

"Mind showing me?"

Jeongguk nodded and moved his fingers across the piano and he started to play. It wasn't perfect, since he wasn't really keen on learning how to play (but he still knew more than the average person), but it was good. Once he finished, Ha Na and Taehyung were clapping.

"Good job Jeongguk!" She said and patted him on the back.

"Ye-Yeah, g-gu-gukkie!" Taehyung said, still clapping. "Th-That wa-was c-cool!"

"T-Thanks Tae." Jeongguk said, feeling a little proud.

Ms. Min smiled at the cute sight before moving on to the next group, which just so happened to be the Yoonminseok group.

"How's the song going?" Ha Na asked, leaning on the top of the piano.

"It's alright." Yoongi said shrugging.

"Alright?" Jimin gaped. "It was way more than alright! Yoongi, you're amazing at the piano!"

"Yeah Yoongs!" Hoseok joined it. "You're awesome!"

"Am not." Yoongi said and fiddled with their fingers, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Are so!" Hoseok and Jimin said at the same time before giggling at the coincidence.

"Well," Ms. Min said, interrupting their useless bickering. "Why don't you play for me and I'll be the judge?"

Yoongi sighed but did as they were told. Soon the chorus of "So Far Away" filled the room. The class went silent as they listened to his beautiful playing. Unlike Jeongguk, their's was perfect. They didn't miss a note or press the wrong key. Their tempo was flawless and no mistakes were made. As soon as they finished, everyone clapped. Well, not everyone, Min-Jin had his arms crossed and glaring at anything and everything. Yoongi scratched their neck and smiled shyly, not used to this type of attention.

"Th-That w-was s-s-so co-cool!" Taehyung whispered in amazement and Jeongguk frowned.

"Yeah." Jeongguk said. Suddenly, Jeongguk wanted to try the song again, or take more piano classes. Maybe he could sing a song since he had a nice voice, or play the guitar since it was easier for him.

Taehyung noticed his little pout and whispered, "Bu-But not as cool as gu-gukkie!"

Jeongguk blushed and smiled his bunny-toothed smile and whispered, "Thanks Tae."

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